When you want to look at the data, you need to choose "From date" to tell the system from which
date you want to start the search. You also have to click on one of the predefined checkboxes to decide
the interval/length of the search. You also have to choose type of data before submitting the query.
After submitting, a graph for the decided data will be displayed.
There are data from 14 June 2002, when all these sensors were finished installed.
The magnetometer was also in operation from 21 August 1998 to 29 January 2001. You will find data from that periode as well
for this sensor.
The Hessdalen AMS was stopped on the 7.November 2003 because of failure.
It will be installed after the failure is repaired. The old data is still here.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Engelsk utgave
# Enkelt Perl-skript som genererer et HTML-dokument best�ende av diverse forms for v�rstasjonsensorene.
# I formene f�r brukeren flere valg om hva han/hun �nsker � se av data i et grafplott.
# Subrutiner:
# - dag => Lager en med dager.
# - maaned => Lager en med m�neder.
# - aar => Lager en med �r.
# - sub_radio_period_data => Radiobuttons og checkbokser for henholdsvis intervaller og type data.
use CGI ":standard";
use strict;
print ("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
my $i;
print <<"htmlStartOption";
print << "airPressureStart";
print << "windSpeedStart";
print << "magnetometerStart";
print << "magnetometer2Start";
print << "End";
sub dag{
sub maaned{
print << "htmlMonthStop";
sub aar{
print "\n";
sub sub_radio_period_data{
my ( $status ) = @_;
print << "subSlutt";
24 hours
A week
if ( $status == 1 ){
print "Gust \n
Drifting10min \n";
if( $status == 2 ){
print "X \n
Y \n
print << "slutt";
The magnetometer data is not absolute. It is the value from the last time the sensor was adjusted to zero.
You can only use the difference.
The magnetometer data from the periode
21 August 1998 to 29 Januar 2001 is now in the database.
In that periode could not the system record pulsations, and the time for the max and min value
is choosed to the nearest hour. You will get the data only by choosing day or week as a periode.
- The new computer was set in operation on the 11 June 2002.
So there are no magnetometer data in the periode from 29 January 2001 to 11 June 2002.
The airpressure sensor is very old, and it is not calibrated. That is why the absolute value from this sensor
is wrong. A new airpressure sensor is needed.