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Project Hessdalen - Comments to the interesting pictures from 2000

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After the video-tape has been viewed and the interesting picture has been analyzed, it will get an Yellow-ball, that tell that it is still unknown, or Blue-ball, that tell that a solution is found.

On this page you will find the comments for each picture.

December 2000
20001231014324No comments because no video recording exist.
20001223023828No comments because no video recording exist.
20001221161039No comments because no video recording exist.
20001220195446 No comments because no video recording exist.
20001220014328No comments because no video recording exist.
20001219205006No comments because no video recording exist.
20001219173324No comments because no video recording exist.
20001219083924 No comments because no video recording exist.
20001214220019No comments because no video recording exist.
20001214184455No comments because no video recording exist.
20001214183808No comments because no video recording exist.
20001214183257 No comments because no video recording exist.
20001214081749No comments because no video recording exist.
20001210193443No comments because no video recording exist.
Yellow-ball 20001207101146 The black phenomena can not be seen on the video. It has disappeared before the videorecorder started. The software react on lights. The reason for why it has reacted on this black phenomena is because the software "has learned" that it is normal with black there. The phenomena has been there long enought (might be only some seconds) so that the software has learned. When the phenomena then moves, it become light where it previous was black. It is that light the software react on. We can see that the yellow area is both to the left and to the right. That tells that the phenomena might move fast, in both directions, before it disappear. The videorecorder start when the second counter shows 12. The black phenomena has disappeared during those 4 seconds.
Blue-ball 20001205183320 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20001203205908 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20001201195157 It is two lightphenomena in this picture. The one that can be seen to the left has triggered the alarm, and is therefor marked with a yellow colour. This light cannot be seen on the video, but some flashes shows up close to where this light was. These flashes is moving, similar as a car would move. That concludes that it was a car. - The other light is more interesting. It is to the right in the picture, just above mount Finnsåhøgda north. This light move towards the north, and the intensity is constant. It disappear just before it would have gone out of sight, and one second before the video-recorder stop recording. The second counter in the screen show then 28. - This light has been too weak to trigger the alarm in the software.
Yellow-ball 20001201184737 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started the recording. Another light, probably the moon, can be seen just above the horizon, between the phenomena and the light from the church in Hessdalen, which is to the left in the picture. When this light (the moon) is so weak, it tells that there were clouds in that direction.
Yellow-ball 20001201174325 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started the recording.
November 2000
Yellow-ball 20001107181613 This light is standing still while it slowly become weaker and weaker. It can hardly be seen at all when the video stop recording. The second counter on the screen is then 46. It is difficult to deside wether it should get a blue or yellow mark.
Yellow-ball 20001107164518 This light cannot be seen on the video. It has disappeared before the video-recorder started. You can see two lights above each other, formed as a line. The upper light has triggered the alarm. The other "line of light" is located just above the horizon of mount Finnsåhøgda. The camera make a picture out of two half-pictures. The first half-picture is made by line no. 1,3,5,7 and so on. The last half-picture is made by line no. 2,4,6,8 and so on. It is 61 lines between a similar point on these two lights. That tells that the two lines of light is made on each half-picture. First line of light is made on the first half-picture, and the next line of light is made on the last half-picture. These two line of lights can then be the same phenomena moving with a high speed. It is 1/50 seconds between each half-picture.
Blue-ball 20001105230452
Blue-ball 20001105230232
A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane. In the last sequence you can see another flashing light in the south, moving towards north. There are two planes moving towards north.
Blue-ball 20001105205142 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20001103195055 A flashing light moving towards south. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20001102230458 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20001102182144This is the moon. The clouds are moving in front of the moon.
Blue-ball 20001101203620 In a short periode on the video-tape, from start, when the second counter shows 34, until it shows 40, you see a flashing light moving towards south. Probably a plane. The reason for why you do not see the light in the end, might be because of clouds.
October 2000
20001024085401No video recording exist. - It seems to be an interesting picture, and some on the comments made on picture no. 20001201195157 can be made here.
20001024074945No comments because no video recording exist.
20001023184223No comments because no video recording exist.
Blue-ball 20001015231544 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20001015202812 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording. On the picture you can see that there are light only on every second line. That tells that it has been captured only on one of the two half-pictures that together makes a picture.
Blue-ball 20001013233143 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20001008204104 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20001006045808 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
Blue-ball 20001006022507 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20001005052956 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
September 2000
Yellow-ball 20000927005647 This light is standing still, while it decrease its intensity. This decrease in intensity is rough. In the ending part, the intensity is so low, in the weakest parts, that it cannot be seen. Then is looks like an uneven flashing. It has completly disappeared when the second counter shows 04. The video ends the recording when the second counter shows 07.
Yellow-ball 20000926005338 This light is standing still, while it decrease its intensity. This decrease in intensity is rough. In the ending part, the intensity is so low, in the weakest parts, that it cannot be seen. Then is looks like an uneven flashing. It has completly disappeared when the second counter shows 51. The video ends the recording when the second counter shows 58.
Yellow-ball 20000925042524 No light kan be seen on the video recording.
Blue-ball 20000921203420 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20000921002901 The light is standing still, and the intensity of the light is decreasing. It cannot be seen anymore when the second counter shows 14. The video continue recording until the second counter shows 25.
Yellow-ball 20000920035503 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
Blue-ball 20000919231043 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20000919220413 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20000916211653 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
20000916003204No comments because no video recording exist.
20000915233535No comments because no video recording exist.
20000915220847 No comments because no video recording exist.
20000915213711No comments because no video recording exist.
Yellow-ball 20000914044513 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording. In NASA Satelite data you can see that this satelite is closest to the observation.
Blue-ball 20000913220615 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20000913105004
Blue-ball 20000913092906
Blue-ball 20000913092153
Blue-ball 20000913092057
Blue-ball 20000913090757
Blue-ball 20000913083251
This is probably reflections from the window of a tractor. The farmer is working in the field.
Blue-ball 20000912220220 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20000906000412 This light can be seen for only 2 second on the video, before it is so weak that it cannot be seen anymore. The secondcounter shows then 24. The video continue recording until the secondcouter shows 35. It seems that the light is standing still, but that is diffucult to deside, because of this short periode on recording. In NASA Satelite data is it not possible to find any satelite that has been in that direction during that time.
Yellow-ball 20000903204515 This light is standing still and have the same intensity all the time.
Yellow-ball 20000903001533 The light is moving towards north, with a speed of 0.2°/sec, while the intensity is decreasing. The light intensity has become so weak that it cannot be seen anymore, when the secondcouter shows 44. The video continue recording until the secondcouter shows 53.
August 2000
Yellow-ball 20000829001821 The light is moving towards north, with a speed of 0.5°/sec, while the intensity is decreasing. The light intensity has become so weak that it cannot be seen anymore, when the secondcouter shows 31. The video continue recording until the secondcouter shows 40.
Blue-ball 20000828220439 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20000827002117 The light is standing still, and the intensity of the light is decreasing. It cannot be seen anymore when the second counter shows 27. The video continue recording until the second counter shows 37. - Observers, standing by lake Øyongen, believe that this picture might be the same as they saw. They saw two bright flashes, which they think can be a satelite reflecting the sunlight.
Yellow-ball 20000825215213 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
Yellow-ball 20000823064019 This light is constant during the whole videorecording. The first possible natural explanation you think of when you see this, is a drop. But this light does not have the typical form and refaction you can see on all drops.
Yellow-ball 20000822182131 The intensity of the light decrease until it cannot be seen anymore. The secondcounter shows then 50. The video continue recording until the secondcounter shows 58.
20000814022446No comments because no video recording exist.
20000813220911No comments because no video recording exist.
20000813004332No comments because no video recording exist.
20000811144727No comments because no video recording exist.
Yellow-ball 20000804000125 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
June 2000
Yellow-ball 20000601072414 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
May 2000
Yellow-ball 20000531223200 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording. It was snowing.
Yellow-ball 20000531220611 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording. By looking at the picture, you can believe that it might be some kind of noise in the system, just when the camera recorded this line.
Blue-ball 20000508105218 It is a worm, moving on the window in front of the lens.
March 2000
20000329214427 No comments because no video recording exist.
20000327220635No comments because no video recording exist.
20000324235517No comments because no video recording exist.
Blue-ball 20000308212638 The light is moving fast towards south-west. It is flashing. It might be a plane.
Blue-ball 20000302195536
Blue-ball 20000302195438
Blue-ball 20000302195353
A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
February 2000
Yellow-ball 20000227204655 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
Blue-ball 20000224190800
Blue-ball 20000224190637
Blue-ball 20000224190609
A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane. You can also see a flashing light moving towards south. Probably also a plane.
Blue-ball 20000223204546 A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20000216185546 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
Blue-ball 20000209205333 A flashing light moving towards south. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20000209204147 The light is moving towards north, with a speed of 0.4°/sec. It goes out of sight when the secondcounter shows 45. The intensity is nearly constant. It is possible to see a plane by it flashing light, but even if this light is constant, it might be a plane. It is difficult to deside if it shall get a blue or yellow mark.
January 2000
Blue-ball 20000111204202
Blue-ball 20000111203857
A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20000109210255  No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording. In the picture you see that there are two lights. It is 38 lines between these two lights. A picture is made of two half-pictures. 38 lines tells that those two lights have been recorded on each of the two half-pictures. There is 1/50 sec. between each half-picture. If it is the same light, the speed is then 307°/sec.
Blue-ball 20000109195259
Blue-ball 20000109195218
A flashing light moving towards north. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20000106200853
Blue-ball 20000106194752
Blue-ball 20000106194334
This is probably water on the window in front of the lense. It has a different form and movement than what is normal for such, and the intensity is stronger. Even so, there are similarities between how water will behave, so we conclude with that.
Yellow-ball 20000103214030 No light can be seen on the video. The light has disappeared before the video started recording.
Blue-ball 20000103185938 A flashing light moving towards south. Probably a plane.
Blue-ball 20000103163448 A flashing light moving towards south. Probably a plane.
Yellow-ball 20000101172036 The light is standing still while the intensity is decreasing. It has become so weak that it cannot be seen anymore when the secondcounter shows 17.

Interesting alarm-pictures from Hessdalen Automatic Measurement Station (AMS) is put here. It is those pictures from the alarm-page which cannot be solved at once. All these pictures will be more analysed. When that is finished, the picture will get a yellow or red ball.

The alarmpicture has a number that tells the time: The four first numbers are the year. Then you will find the month, the date, the hour, the minute and the second. Picture number: 20000101172036 will be: 2000 is the year, 01 is the month, 01 is the date, 17 is the hour, 20 is the minute and 36 is the second. The picture was taken the 01.January 2000, at 17:20:36. The clock in the picture shows summertime, which is correct only half of the year. The correct clock is the file-number.

It is the yellow (or the red) part in the picture which is the interesting light. It is a black-and-white camera in use. The computer program ( the software) put a color (yellow or red) on the part which made the software react.

Copyright ©2000 Project Hessdalen. Webmaster : Erling Strand.
All comments or questions about this web shall be send to Webmaster
Last update 07 May 2002 15:53:56.
