Date | What happened |
09.12.2000 |
The coax cable between Hessdalen AMS and camera no.2 is installed. The location
for that camera will be more to the south and higher up in the hillside.
04.12.2000 |
More pictures.
30.11.2000 |
The report from the observation done the 19.August is finished.
30.11.2000 |
The report: The EMBLA 2000 Mission in Hessdalen by
Massimo Teodorani, Stelio Montebugnoli and
Jader Monari is finished.
24.11.2000 |
The PC which measure the magnetic field has been startet. It has been down since 22.09.2000.
All software has been updated.
08.11.2000 |
Made the page: Maps of Hessdalen.
06.11.2000 |
A phone meeting with a representative of a possible sponsor from USA
06.11.2000 |
Updated the page: Plans for the station.
26.10.2000 |
Made the page: How to become a sponsor.
23.10.2000 |
A phone meeting with a representative of a possible sponsor from USA
21.10.2000 |
Some pictures and the preliminary report of the measurements done by the scientist from Italy this summer
can be found at
06.10.2000 |
A phone meeting with a representative of a possible sponsor from USA
22.09.2000 |
A visit by Dave Akers in Hessdalen. Dave run the investigation of a similar
phenomena in the Yakima reservation back in 1972. -
The PC' that measure the magnetic field has been taken down. Hacking of the box.
01.09.2000 |
Some pictures and preliminary results of the measurements done by the scientist from Italy this summer
can be found
28.08.2000 |
Stelio, the leader for Institute for Radioastronomy, travel back home to Italy,
with the measured data.
18.08.2000 |
Visit in Hessdalen by a possible sponsor from USA.
11.08.2000 |
A meeting on Bjørgåsen fjellstue, where the topic was: the future of the research in Hessdalen.
There were participants from Institute for physics at NTNU,
Department for radio and sensor systems at
Sintef, Østfold University College,
Holtålen community and Institute for Radioastronomy at
CNR in Italy.
04.08.2000 |
Scientist Massimo Teodorani from Italy arrives.
01.08.2000 |
Stelio, the leader of Institute for Radioastronomy, arrives in Hessdalen.
30.07.2000 |
Real World Pictures go back to England.
28.07.2000 |
Scientist Jader Monari from Institutt for Radioastronomi,
Medicina in Italy, arrives.
27.07.2000 |
Real World Pictures arrrives. They are making a documentary for Discovery.
26.07.2000 |
Forskerne Sergio, Franco and Andrea from Institute for Radioastronomy,
Medicina in Italy, arrived. They will put up some ULF measurement equipment.
25.07.2000 |
Interview by Jarle (in the TV-company: Format film & Videoproduksjon AS)
24.07.2000 |
Erling go to Hessdalen for meeting with some TV-companies, and
for welcome scientist from C.N.R. ISTITUTO DI RADIOASTRONOMIA .
07.07.2000 |
Returned back from USA. Positive meetings.
26.06.2000 |
Travel to the USA, together with people at Holtålen comminity,
for talks with possible investors.
21.06.2000 |
A meeting with people at IA-Halden for discussion about possible new
student projects.
14.06.2000 |
A meeting with people at IA-Halden for discussion about possible new
student projects.
06.06.2000 |
The student group
delivered their report. Sadly, because of some technical problems, their were not finished.
Their work will continue this summer by datastudent Jens Christian Skibakk.
19.05.2000 |
A meeting with the committe in "Norwegian UFO Centre Ltd".
03.05.2000 |
A meeting with a representative for possible investors.
16.04.2000 |
The students were in Hessdalen for testing
possible locations for the two new black-and-white cameraes, type: Watec,
WAT-902H with a Computar HG3803AFCS lens.
At the locations,
recording was done on to video-tapes, of a "light" in the mountainsside. These tapes will the students use
in testing their software, which shall find the direction and distanse to the light. |
13.03.2000 |
Course about the "UFO-phenomena in Hessdalen",
for tourist guides in Holtålen.
28.02.2000 |
A meeting in the Norwegian UFO Centre advisory group (NUCAG), held at NTNU in Trondheim.