Project Hessdalen - Guestbook old 12.
From 25.06.2002 to 31.12.2002
Date: Mon Dec 30 04:02:16 CET 2002
Name: P�l-Andr� ([email protected]) at
Subject: www.gufon.no
Come and see for yourself !!!
Date: Wed Dec 18 13:14:47 CET 2002
Name: Linn () at
Subject: Ufoa finns
Hej. utruli bra sia. har sj�l sett n�kka lignanes. koff�r sku det b�rre v�re oss i heile det ufattelie store univ�rse? s� � trur nok det e meir d�r ute enn vi veit....
Date: Tue Dec 17 15:47:43 CET 2002
Name: bj�rnar t ([email protected]) at
Subject: skal til hessdalen i januar
hei, jeg og kj�resten min skal til hessdalen i januar og sove over en natt i det fri.
hun har sett en lysende gjenstand i Bern i Sveits,, er det noen som kan hjelpe meg med info ang Bern og Sveits,,om der finnes paralleller med det som skjer i Norge'.
Date: Mon Dec 16 21:21:00 CET 2002
Name: Ufo-Norge () at
Subject: Ny og bedre hjemmeside fra Ufo-Norge
Lekkert design og flere oppdateringer av saker i Norge og Utlandet.
Fullt av rapporter med s�kefunksjon.
Mye bedre enn den gamle hjemmesiden.
Sjekk den ut selv p� :
Gratulerer Ufo-Norge
Date: Sat Dec 14 08:32:43 CET 2002
Name: captein bariga ([email protected]) at
Subject: nightshift surfing alian
I'am from the constellasion Kassiopeia, is
it impossible to work here in peace (clue a unique ferro form) , have you never seen a other interplanetarian creatures before, obvisly not, Whatever, it will probably take several milleniums before you know what this is anyway. Merry Christmas to you, from all of us
Date: Wed Dec 11 20:08:16 CET 2002
Name: katja (hakke....) at
Subject: ufoer selvsagt....
heisann.... jeg syntes dette er kjempe interresant!!! hvor mye info har egentlig norges folk om ufoer og utenomjordiske vesener? hilsen en som gjerne vil l�re mer, og som tror p� det som oppserveres.... men hvet ikke hva;o)
Date: Tue Dec 3 20:56:04 CET 2002
Name: ole sollid ([email protected]) at
Subject: ufo
Til alle dere "st� p�"
Date: Fri Nov 29 14:12:39 CET 2002
Name: Andrei Ol'khovatov ([email protected]) at
Subject: A conference
Dear Hessdalen researchers!
It is nice to read about your very important research at "science frontiers"!
Next summer there will be a conference in Russia on the famous 1908
Tunguska event in� Siberia ( See preliminary info at:
http://olkhov.narod.ru/conf03.htm ).
I would be glad to see you� and your Italian collegues in Russia reporting
your exciting research!
Andrei Ol'khovatov
Russia, Moscow
Date: Mon Nov 18 21:43:27 CET 2002
Name: Nusse () at
Subject: UFO, Ja!
F�rst, Takk for T-skjorten jeg fikk i Oktober!
Ufo`er finnes!
Tror dere ikke bildene? Jeg har selv sett noe lignende!
Date: Sun Nov 17 21:03:17 CET 2002
Name: durzy ([email protected]) at
Subject: hessdalen
Date: Tue Nov 12 13:36:58 CET 2002
Name: Marita og Millie () at
Subject: Ufoer finnes ikke
Vi tror ikke p� ufoer. disse tingene er bare noe oppspin. Hvordan kan dere v�re s� sikre p� at det finnes ufoer. Nesten alle bildene deres ser du bare en helt vanlig himmel med skyer og en skinnende sol. Hva er det som er s� ofo- aktig med det?
Date: Mon Nov 11 14:04:54 CET 2002
Name: Kristian () at
Subject: Guten Tag!
N� finnes det snart s� mye interessant p� det store internettet at man kan legge det ut p� en 3.5" 1.44Mb diskett!
Date: Mon Nov 4 02:13:46 CET 2002
Name: Lars Erik Ringen ([email protected]) at
Subject: Lysfenomen i Rollag, Buskerud
Se bilder og video p� www.nrk.no/buskerud
Ligner det p� lysene i Hessdalen
Date: Tue Oct 15 17:35:32 CEST 2002
Name: sdfaf () at
Subject: +48600721350
Date: Thu Oct 3 08:12:36 CEST 2002
Name: Pablo () at
Subject: Very interesting
Thanks you for a very interesting web site!
Date: Wed Oct 2 21:37:34 CEST 2002
Name: Kjell Flekkoy ([email protected]) at
Subject: observation of the phenomena
Suggestion to the operator of the project:
Try to observe the phenomena from space. There are satelites covering the area of interest. It might just be possible to arrange periods of observation (Geosat?). If one could see the "lights" from space, one would be able ascertain their place of manifestation and disappearance. One would also see their route and could even measure their speed along their path.
At all probability, this possibility has been thought about already: so, what was the big obstackle?
Second question: Are there observations from space of similar light penomena from other parts of the earth?
Date: Sun Sep 22 20:21:27 CEST 2002
Name: Arne Ludviksen ([email protected]) at
Subject: SV: Falsk e-mail
Korrekt adr. er: [email protected]
Date: Fri Sep 20 21:13:47 CEST 2002
Name: Erik Rytter ([email protected]) at
Subject: Falsk e-mail adresse ?
Aug 29 12:41:45 CEST 2002 skriver Arne Ludviksen cand.mag HIST (�len_skisenter@�len.com) et meget kritisk indl�g mod f�nomenernes seri�sitet. Jeg vil gerne stille ham et par konkrete sp�rgsm�l, men den opgivne e-mail ser ud til at v�re falsk.
Kender nogen hans korrekte adresse ?
Date: Tue Sep 17 09:35:43 CEST 2002
Name: knut s�rsten ([email protected]) at
hallo p� do.eg lurer p� om hvor eg kan f� tak i informasjon og data om ufolandingen p� espev�r.vist det er noen som kan hjelpe meg s� kan dere skrive til:[email protected]
Date: Mon Sep 16 21:01:08 CEST 2002
Name: Emil M, Kj�rvik. () at
Subject: Overnattings steder i hessdalen?
Er det muligheter for � leie seg en hytte i hessdalen?????
Date: Mon Sep 16 14:14:12 CEST 2002
Name: Erik Rytter ([email protected]) at
Subject: Tak for sidst
Var p� kig i det nye center for nogle dage siden, og det ser fint ud, men ikke mange mennesker har opdaget det endnu, ser det ud til. Det kommer.
Venlig hilsen
Erik Rytter
Date: Thu Sep 12 23:01:07 CEST 2002
Name: Lawrence J. Fenwick ([email protected]) at
Subject: The website
I am impressed by the design of your website. It is also useful to prepare statistics concerning UFOs. It helps ufologists to show scientists that there is some science in ufology. Your work in this area is invaluable. As one of the original associates of the Center for UFO Studies and having met the late Dr. Josef Allen Hynek three times, I commend you for your work. The difference between your work and mine is that I have several UFO fragments in my possession. These have been verified as non-terrestrial by university and private laboratories.All but one case involved the police and they are from three countries. The data have been published in the CUFORN Bulletin (now defunct), the MUFON UFO Journal, and FSR. Actual fragments are worth more than statistics.
Date: Thu Sep 12 22:54:06 CEST 2002
Name: Lawrence J. Fenwick ([email protected]) at
Subject: The website
I am impressed by the design of your website. It is also useful to prepare statistics concerning UFOs. It helps ufologists to show scientists that there is some science in ufology. Your work in this area is invaluable. As one of the original associates of the Center for UFO Studies and having met the late Dr. Josef Allen Hynek three times, I commend you for your work. The difference between your work and mine is that I have several UFO fragments in my possession. These have been verified as non-terrestrial by university and private laboratories.All but one case involved the police and they are from three countries. The data have been published in the CUFORN Bulletin (now defunct), the MUFON UFO Journal, and FSR. Actual fragments are worth more than statistics.
Date: Thu Sep 12 15:02:46 CEST 2002
Name: Lucie Flowers ([email protected]) at
Subject: Very Well Done
I am a firm believer in documenting the unknown your webcam site is impressive!
Date: Wed Sep 4 16:26:06 CEST 2002
Name: Mads Harald Nissen - Danmark. ([email protected]) at
Subject: Ang�ende jeres project.
Emnet int. mig meget og jeg f�lger det sp�ndt.
Date: Thu Aug 29 12:41:45 CEST 2002
Name: Arne Ludviksen cand.mag HIST (�len_skisenter@�len.com) at
Subject: Loch Ness kontra Hessdalen
Viser til samtaler jeg har hatt med flere av innbyggerne i Hessdalen, Derav Lars Lillevold.
Det menes bestemt at ufo-fenomenet kun er for � f� litt "blest" om bygda. Bor selv ikke s� langt unna. Og da f�r man jo h�re litt av hvert. Nessie i Loch Ness er allerede avsl�rt. Det hadde sin naturlige forklaring. Samme i Hessdalen.
Der er fenomenet kun ett resultat av menneskelig forvirring.
Date: Sun Aug 25 18:40:44 CEST 2002
Name: Willie Durand Urbina ([email protected]) at
Subject: Puertorican Research Group
Dear friend, is plesure to contacting in your web sites. The Puertorican Research Group is the same line in investigation about ufos detection, with electronic instruments created for us. I'will like to continue contact and to comparate information about ufos and to us of Puerto Rico caribean island.
Willie Durand Urbina
Calle America #410 Altos
Floral Park, Hato Rey, P.R.00917
Date: Sat Aug 17 14:52:02 CEST 2002
Name: Fannar Sm�ri ([email protected]) at
Subject: CoLe
Date: Sat Aug 17 12:51:55 CEST 2002
Name: Jan Benestad ([email protected]) at
Subject: Snart l�st ?
Hei Thomas Engh :)
Jeg har ikke studert det nevnte bilde, men tror man skal v�re forsiktig med konklusjoner basert p� enkelt-bilder. Det gjelder selvsagt b�de i positiv og negativ forstand. Jeg vil r�de folk � lese rapportene til de italienske forskerne - de er p� grunnlag av mange bilder, observasjoner og m�linger.
For�vrig tror jeg prosjekt Hessdalen vil nyte godt av hjelp til � luke bort bilder med naturlige forklaringer eller manipulasjoner. Men likevel sitter man nok igjen med mange bilder uten forklaring... ta gjerne ogs� en tur opp i dalen selv og kikk eller gj�r m�linger, hvis du er engasjert i saken :) Det har jeg gjort...
Jan Benestad, siv.ing. fysikk
Date: Sat Aug 17 01:53:44 CEST 2002
Name: Thomas Engh ([email protected]) at
Subject: Menneskelige UFO`er i Hessdalen
Alle kan se at bildet Arne P. Thomassen tok fra Finns�h�gda 25.sept. mellom kl. 1900 - 2000 er "manipulert". P� NTNU tok vi rett og slett ett termisk bilde av en helt vanlig h�nd. Resultatet var forbl�ffende likt med det bildet som er lagt ut p� nettet. Konklusjon: Kanskje alle spekulasjonene rundt dette "UFO" mysteriet snart er l�st..............????? Hvem vet!!
Date: Fri Aug 16 20:53:52 CEST 2002
Name: Bj�rn Arne Lykken Lo ([email protected]) at
Subject: Aliens (Ultra-terrestrial)
As I can see, the phenomenon in Hessedalen should not be classified as UFO,, unidentified. I identify them/it as a specific type of aliens known as Ultra-terrestrial or Ultron.
You can read about them in the Blue Planet Project book at:
It's on page 42
Have a verry nice day :)=)
Date: Sun Aug 11 09:19:38 CEST 2002
Name: Carl Johan Calleman ([email protected]) at
Subject: V�rldstr�det + Maya
Ni har ett viktigt projekt. Jag vill g�ra er uppm�rksamma p� m�jligheten att Hessdalen kan vara jordens tredje �ga eller att det �tminstone �r en av de viktiga nodpunkterna p� V�rlstr�dets stam eftersom den ligger s� n�ra den linje som �tskiljer de v�stra och �stra halvkloten. Jag har skrivit en artikel om denna linje i n�sta nummer av Alternativt Nettverk och vore intresserad av att h�ra era kommentarer om detta.
Carl Johan Calleman
Date: Sat Aug 10 23:25:48 CEST 2002
Name: Gro Kristansen () at
Subject: Vi var der...
Vi var i Hessdalen i slutten av juli 2002. Vi ble litt skuffet for at det ikke fantes noe skilting o.l. i Hessdalen om hvor f.eks. bildene blir tatt fra. Vi endte opp der veien slutter og der var det jammen plattdans med Jan Borseths orkester. Litt g�y det da. Og s� vil jeg be dere redigere "overnattingssteder". Vi ringte p� flere med valgte � reise videre. Bl.a. s� har ikke Renolens seter v�rt i drift de siste 5 �rene fikk vi beskjed om. Skulle tro det ville v�rt l�nnsomt � ha en enkel campingplass f.eks. i hessdalen.
Det var ikke den helt store overraskelsen at vi ikke s� noe som kunne betegnes som UFO. - Forresten, glemte den tingesten som sto i en eller annens hage. P� den sto det; UFO!
Date: Fri Aug 9 17:47:43 CEST 2002
Name: HARRY SOMMERVILLE ([email protected]) at
Date: Wed Aug 7 09:18:06 CEST 2002
Name: HV () at
Subject: What is that light? - I know it! (arvaan sen!?)
Seh�n voisi olla ehk� auringonvalon heijastumista. Auringon valo heijastuu joka ilta auringon laskiessa. N�emme edelleen valon taivaanrannassa, vaikka aurinkoa ei en��n ole siell�. sill� aurngon s�teet heijastuvat ilmakeh�n kautta maan pintaan.
Samankaltainen ilmi� voisi olla kyseess� t�ssa�kin. Ilmi�t� voisi kutsua vaikka valokuvakamera-ilmi�ksi. niinkuin kuva kameran filmille, (t�ss� tapauksessa valon s�de) muodostuu taivaalle (vesih�yryyn?). Alueella on tarpeeksi sivustassa taivaan piment�v�� olevaa maastoa(vuoristo). Taivaalle ei p��se valo kuin ylh��lt� ja korkealta loivassa kulmassa maahan n�hden. Ilmakeh�/ meri heijjastaa auringon valoa taivaaseen ja ne heijjastukset n�kyv�t kyseisell� alueella?
Date: Mon Aug 5 15:42:06 CEST 2002
Name: arne m. nielsen ([email protected]) at
Subject: opdatering
k�re nordm�nd
i burde se at f� opdateret jeres ellers meget interessante hjemmeside.
k�rlig hilsen og tillykke med verdens p.t bedste land
michael nielsen. danmark
Date: Sun Aug 4 18:47:39 CEST 2002
Name: /Rickard -the embedded system developer () at
Subject: instruments
It would be great if the station could have more
instruments. Perhaps better optic and study what
happens in the IR-spectre? Near, Middle, Far..
The optic is connected to an embedded system with
IR-sensors. Hmm. What about radar? Also interesting! Any odd radio waves from the objects?
Date: Sun Aug 4 18:30:23 CEST 2002
Name: Rickard () at
Subject: Alarms and trends
The timepoints for the alarms seams not to be spread equal. How many alarms were avtive during the time 16:00 - 19:00 compared to 06:00 - 09:00 and so on ? Any problems with the sun and the clouds?
I could see that the pattern that triggered the
alarm often was found at the same place in the
pictures..Most interesting!
I will read more about this! Perhaps I'll visit
Hessdalen in the future!
Date: Fri Jul 26 13:47:08 CEST 2002
Name: Masuya Chinari ([email protected]) at
Subject: The Decisive Proof:The Saturn-type-UFO is not the
The Decisive Proof:The Saturn-type-UFO is not the planet
The following is the site where we can see the latest images of NASA SOHO pictures.
There is the blue picture titled LASCO C3 in it.
It shows the pictures which observe surrounding area of the sun.
You can find the figure, 1024*1024 under the blue picture.
The click of this figure show you the urls of the images of the surrounding area of the sun.
They are arranged according to the time and date.
The upper, the earlier the dates are.
If you don't have enough time to check for yourself, you can find the same thing in the url below.
You can find 20020617_0015 among them.
The image shows two Saturn-type-UFOs.
You can find them just to the right and the upper part of the sun.
Did you confirm them?
The date of the above url is 2002, 00:15 of July 17.
The question is the Saturn-type-ufo which is in the upper part the sun.
As you can understand by the below picture, it didn't exist half an hour before.
The part of 20020616_2345 in the below url means it is the picture shot 2002, 16 June, 23:45.
And the Saturn-type-UFO disappeared in only fifteen minutes.
If it were the planet, could it be possible to disappear in only fifteen minutes?
Planets never disappear in fifteen minutes.
If it is not Venus or Mercury, what on earth is it?
There really exists the gigantic object which can move away from the area with super velocity in only 15 minutes.
Everyone may think it is unbelievable.
However there exist more proof they really exist.
Date: Fri Jul 19 15:17:52 CEST 2002
Name: dallas ([email protected]) at
Subject: Now is the Time to Remove the Veil & See!
Now is the Time to Remove the Veil & See!
Now is the Time To Send Love Into every Room we Enter!
Now is the Time to send Love to every person we Encounter!
Now is The Time to speak with our Heart!
Now is the Time To start.
Now is the Time to Embrace our Universal Family!
Now is the Time to usher Agape Love!
Now is the Time to Enlighten!
Now is the time to Let Your Lights Shine!
Now is the Time!
Now is the Time To Glow!
Now is The Time To usher The Cosmic Flow!
Now is the Time for our Love to Show!
Now is The Time To Reclaim our Personal Power!
Now Is The Time This Very Hour!
Now is The Time To Release & Be Free!
Now is the Time to Remove the Veil & See!
Now is the Time to Remember Love is not just In December!
Now is The Time To Give & Share!
Now is the Time to Care!
Now is The Time To Accelerate our Spirit!
Now is The Time To Listen & Hear It!
Now is The Time Usher The Divine Intent!
Now Is The Time To Grasp Why This Message Has Been Sent!
Now is The Time To Burn Bright!
Now The Time Is Right!
- By Dallas
Date: Fri Jul 19 11:55:53 CEST 2002
Name: X. Xxxxxxx ([email protected]) at
Subject: UFO Sichtung?!
diese Lichter konnte man auch bei uns (Deutschland/Metzingen) beobachten!
Zuerst dachte ich, es w�re ein heller Stern. Aber er bewegte sich, im Gegensatz zu den anderen Sternen. Ein Flugzeug konnte es nicht sein, da es sich teilweise minutenlang nicht bewegte.
Durch ein kleines Fernglas konnte ich eine flache, ovale Form ausmachen -- es war also nicht kreisrund.
Es war stundenlang am Nachthimmel zu sehen, bis es dann Richtung Horizont verschwand.
Date: Thu Jul 18 05:04:04 CEST 2002
Name: Daniel Hansson ([email protected]) at
Subject: observation
This phenomenas really interrest me!
I've observed one phenomena like this, but the
movements/velocity was not really like the
Hessdalen Phenomenas.
It was a late night when me and my family came
ome from a trip, i turned around to say something
to them when i saw something far away behind them.
Between two high towers (I think they're
recieving TV/Radio signals) there was a red light
round object moving towards one of the towers in
a constant speed and stoped right at the tower
for some seconds, then it moved back to the other
tower and stoped there...It continued to do that
for several hours.
It was so late that i just had do go to bed, so i
didnt se how it disapeard!
The funny thing about this is that both towers
had a red light at the top that looked _EXACTLY_
the same as the object.
I have no idea what this is, or if it's even the same things as in Hessdalen...
Date: Wed Jul 17 13:29:57 CEST 2002
Name: Erling P. Strand ([email protected]) at
Subject: Weather station
We have some problems with the driver for the new AD-card in the computer. That is probably the reason for why the temperature sometimes shows a wrong value.
Date: Wed Jul 17 06:07:33 CEST 2002
Name: KallHoE (Leave a message on this site .com =)) at
Subject: Possible theory on the phenomena
Im a student at HIOF in Norway but i dont participate in the project, but i find it somewhat interresting and I have read some about it here. I stumbled over this theory while i was reading about magnetism and the behavior of charged particles in the atmosphere. So if I assume that the phenomena consists of charged particles of some sort(ions) it would explain the color and form changing properties of the objects(almost like northern lights). next i will try to explain the sudden changes in direction and speed. If you imagine the magnetic fields around earth similar to a magnet, it will have flux lines going from one pole the other pole. on each of the poles the magnetic fields will be concentrated at the ends of the poles (try to imagine how it will look in three-dimensions) it is possible that the charged particles of ions will bounce around on the earth`s magnetic fields where they are "concentrated" and the distance between the lines are smal.This is why it might seem to jump around changing directions.The speed might be changed on how the particles rests in the fields and when it hits a flux line it will be repelled and change direction with great velocity and perhaps causing it to hit another field and repeating the action before it hits a more stable position where it might slow down or seem to rest for awhile.(it might never stand comletly still,that might perhaps be the same thing as trying to balance two repelling magnetets on top of eachother hoping for it to levitate(maxwell equation)) But if it is possible that it would come to a complete stop there might be a tiny change in the earth`s magnetic field and it would start moving again.I belive this is the reason why this phenomena is observed near the poles (like in Norway,Australia or Canada) I have read some of the observations made and they dont all match with this theory, but atleast it seems logical to me without assuming too much beyond my knowledge.The fading of the objects untill they dissapear might be explained like this, the ions simply runs out of charges. Im not even close being an expert on the area, im actually an amature....im just trying to give it an explaination. I would like some respons and thoughts about this theory as I am uncertain how far it is from the truth.Do not hassitate to give critics if you belive im wrong or that im missing something impoartant that changes everything and might help me put things in another perspective ,Please respond on this sites guestbook. Thanks for your time and attention! =)
Date: Fri Jul 12 17:50:51 CEST 2002
Name: Gareth Anderson ([email protected]) at
Subject: Sorting thumbnails by interesting to see 3d effect
Dear Sir/Madam
Very interesting sight just wondered if the thumbnails could be marked which ones are interesting as it is possible to visually overlap them to see a 3-d effect however to cross reference them to the interesting link is difficult so if it was right there even with an asterisk "*" that would help.
Gareth Anderson,
Toronto Canada
PS we have a similar phenomena here see www.orbwatch.com
Date: Fri Jul 12 16:18:28 CEST 2002
Name: Siv merete Engeskaug () at
Subject: ufo
Hei jeg er ei jente. jeg er 17. Jeg kommer tilbake n[r det er ferdig her. Koz siv Merete.
Date: Thu Jul 4 19:22:43 CEST 2002
Name: Peter () at
Subject: Intressant Projekt
S�g Er p� Discovery - l�ste om er i Ny vetenskap.
H�lsningar fr�n Sverige.
Date: Tue Jul 2 21:19:59 CEST 2002
Name: hestehalen ([email protected]) at
Subject: teori...
en teori :
solmolykyler som ioniserer hydrogenmoly. og p�virkes av magnetfeltet fra tidligere gruvearbeid (forskjellige bergarter)
Date: Mon Jul 1 14:30:48 CEST 2002
Name: Steve Cumberlidge ([email protected]) at
Subject: Very Interesting site
This is a very interesting site.
I noted you use of video recorders and the slow start problems. Have a llok at a peice of software called MILESTONE SURVEILLANCE PRO.
www.milestonesys.com. You might be able to get milstone to sponsor you.
Also have a look at my site www.camserv.com.
Steve Cumberlidge
Date: Sat Jun 29 22:37:18 CEST 2002
Name: Gunnar R�tr� ([email protected]) at
Subject: ufo-observasjon
Vil bare si at jeg og en kamerat,s� en sigarformet gjenstand p� Domb�s for ca.16-17 �r siden.Vi var nede p� s�ppelplassen og skj�t kr�ker med hagle, da vi fikk se en sigarformet gjenstand p� himmelen,rett over fjellkammen.
Det vi merket oss,var at den gikk utrolig sakte.
Den hadde ikke vinger,og det var heller ikke en lyd � h�re.
Vi tenkte ikke s� mye p� det med en gang,fordi vi ikke hadde h�rt snakk om ufo noe s�rlig f�r.
Uansett,s� ble vi st�ende � se p� gjenstanden litt. Vi snudde oss mot hverandre,og lurte litt p� hva det var,og n�r vi s� opp igjen var den borte.
Det var bl� himmel og sommer p� ettermiddagen dette skjedde,slik at p� den korte tiden vi snudde oss mot hverandre,og s� opp igjen,skulle vi fortsatt ha sett den.
Kan ikke forst� annet enn at den m� ha forsvunnet i enorm hastighet,eller g�tt over i en annen dimensjon. Lykke til videre med arbeidet.
Kommer en tur til sommeren,og titter p� det dere driver med der oppe. Hilsen Gunnar R�tr�
Date: Thu Jun 27 10:07:56 CEST 2002
Name: ~MotherNature ([email protected]) at
Subject: My Article about Project Hessdalen..
In researching an article about the Hessdalen Phenomena, i really needed to look no further than the Official site, Here.. Thank you for everything you do. All your efforts, amaze me.
I hope i have done your project justice, in the Article i have Written.
If there are any errors, Please contact me. I will make immediate changes..
With Much Respect,
~Sherry Wynn (~MotherNature)
Washington State, U.S.A.
My Project Hessdalen Article:
Date: Tue Jun 25 01:40:57 CEST 2002
Name: ei nime� () at
Subject: ei aihetta
interesting site and phenomenon.
ihan makee juttu tollanen ilmi�.