Timeout. We'll keep trying...
Weather Stations in Hessdalen
Installed 07.05.2014Updated every hour.
Data Measurement:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Air pressure
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
Station 1:
- Placed at the Automatic Measurement Station
- Altitude: ca 640 m.a.s.l
- Map: Google Gule Sider
Station 2:
- Placed 171m South-East of the AMS
- Altitude: ca 690 m.a.s.l
- Map: Google Gule Sider
Graph presentation:
- If the selected time period is 10 days or less, all measurement data can be displayed. If selected time period is between 11 and 30 days, "default" is to display data from 06 AM and 12 PM. At periods greater than 30 days, data is limited to show one measurement per day.
- You may choose to restrict the measurement data for specific times of the day. This can be done by checking the various times shown in the settings. For example, if we choose 00:00 it will only give you data for that hour every day.