Here are the last alarm pictures from the field station. This page is
updated whenever a new alarm picture comes from the station. Most of these
pictures are false alarms, which means that a solution is found at once.
Those pictures that need more analysis before a solution might be found
are defined as interesting alarm pictures. This year's interesting alarm
pictures are on page Pictures 2001. Comments about this year's interesting alarm
pictures are on this page.
An alarm is indicated by putting a square around the phenomena.
The red area in the mask picture in not analyzed.
Cam1 is in the mast at the station. Cam2 is located more to the south and further up in the
mountainside. The distance between these to is approx. 200m.
They are both looking towards west-south-west.
The Hessdalen AMS was stopped on the 7.November 2003 because of failure.
It will be installed after the failure is repaired.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require "";
my $dir = &dir_prefix . "alarm";
$| = 1;
printf "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
my( $file, @files, $i);
opendir(DIR, "$dir") || die "Error: opening $dir.\n";
@files = reverse(sort(readdir(DIR)));
printf " \n";
printf <
Cam 2 |
Cam 1 |
Cam 2 |
Cam 1 |
foreach $file (@files) {
if($file =~ /^alarm-cam2-\d{14}\.jpg/) {
if( $i == 1 ) {
} else {
if( $i == 1 ) {
printf "\n";
print_html_link( $file );
$file =~ s/cam2/cam1/;
print_html_link( $file );
} else {
print_html_link( $file );
$file =~ s/cam2/cam1/;
print_html_link( $file );
printf " \n";
printf " \n";
sub print_html_link {
my $file = $_[0];
my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);
($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second) = $file =~ /^alarm-cam.-(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})\.jpg$/;
print "\t | ";
print "";
print " ";
print " Alarm $hour:$minute:$second $day.$month.$year";
print "";
print " | \n";
The alarmpicture has a number that tells the time:
The four first numbers are the year.
Then you will find the month, the date, the hour, the minute and the second.
Picture number: 20000101172036 will be:
2000 is the year, 01 is the month, 01 is the date,
17 is the hour, 20 is the minute and 36 is the second.
The picture was taken the 01.January 2000, at 17:20:36. The clock in the picture shows summertime,
which is correct only half of the year. The correct clock is the file-number.
It is the yellow (or the red) part in the picture which is the interesting light.
It is a black-and-white
camera in use. The computer program ( the software) put a color (yellow or red) on the part which
made the software react.
Go to only-text version.