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Project Hessdalen in radio/internet

Here is a list of radio/internet-programs that has told about Hessdalen or Project Hessdalen. This list is not complete, and it is only those radio programs who Erling Strand has participated in (if nothing else is written)..


25.February: Ep. 5 - The Enigma of the Hessdalen Lights: A Scientific Investigation 2, The Science Behind Mysteries
11.February: Ep. 4 - The Enigma of the Hessdalen Lights: A Scientific Investigation Massimo Teodorani, The Science Behind Mysteries
28.January: Hessdalen : Enquête scientifique sur un mystère inexpliqué,   Hessdalen: Scientific Investigation of an Unexplained Mystery,   Youtube
10.January: The Astonishing Story of PROJECT HESSDALEN, Night Shift


29.August: UFO-konferanse i Hessdalen Nea Radio
3.March: Lehto Files Hessdalen Update: Object Unknown
23.February: Interview: Terje Toftenes, Strange Phenomenon
21.February: Interview: Astrophysicist - Dr.Massimo Teodorani , Strange Phenomenon
20.February: Lehto Files What's Under the Ice of Djupsjøn? Part 5 with Magnus Holm
19.February: Interview: Erling Strand, Strange Phenomenon
17.February: Lehto Files Deep Dive: Crash retrieval in Norway part 4
12.February: Hessdalen Valley: Laboratory of Light, Strange Phenomenon
05 February: Bjørn M. Vik om UFO og aktiviteter i Hessdalen, intervju av Bjørn M. Vik
24.January: Letho Files Exclusive 1985 J Allen Hynek Hessdalen Footage
17.January: Nea Radio, Prosjekt Hessdalen har fått en ansiktsløftning
01.January: Stopping The World Mystery Lights of Hessdalen


20.November: Lehto Files Hunting Alien Techno-Signatures with Science / Massimo - Project Hessdalen, with Dr.Massimo Teodorani
21.November: Christina Gomez Hessdalen Lights Ongoing UFO Mystery
12.June: European UFOs The Hessdalen Lights
03.June: Lehto Files Hessdalen Ep.3
02.June: Henrik Beckheim Podcast#009 Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcast
20.May: Lehto Files Hessdalen Ep.2 , with Tomas Dahl
17.May: Lehto Files Hessdalen Valley - 40 years of UFO observations Ep.1, with Jan Moen
02.May: NRK podcast, Lysene i Hessdalen (2:2) i serien Mysterier fra Norge.
25.April: NRK podcast, Lysene i Hessdalen (1:2) in the series Mysteries in Norway.
03.April: Danmarks Radio, Mysteriet i Hessdalen
14.March: Was ist eigentlich Das Hessdalen Phänomen
22.February: The Hessdalen Mystery, by Richard Dolan
07.February: Limina Symposium: What scientists say about ufos
        also on FaceBook
26 January: Hessdalen Lights, Anomalous Signatures, Bio-Effects & UFO Experiences. Project Unity ved Jay Anderson


14.Februar: Was ist eigentlichDas Hessdalen Phänomen
11 December: Las MISTERIOSAS Luces de Hessdalen
05 November: The Hessdalen Phenomena
25. March: Rätsel in Norwegen: Die Hessdalen-Phänomene
03 March : Las Luces de Hessdalen


23. November: Disclosure Team - Erling Strand 'The Hessdalen Lights' Interview with Vinnie.
08. November: Exo Realidades - Conversa com Erling Strand - Projecto Hessdalen
07. September: Nea Radio
05. September: The BIG PHONE HOME, Day 2
25. August: Wolfgang WEE Uncut, kortversjonen
06. June: NRK Radio, P1 Mellom himmel og jord
27. May: NRK Radio, P1 distrikt Eftan
24. April: Investigaçäo OVNI Entrevista: Erling Strand


29. August: NRK Radio, Lørdagsliv
24 .May: UFO Sundays UFO Denmark
23. May : The Unexplained with Howard Hughes
25.April: Hessdalen Lights med Rob Freeman


19. October: NRK, Nyhetsmorgen
11. October: Nea Radio
29. January: NRK, P2 Studio 2


22.October: Podcast Erling Strand og Seth Shostak (Youtube)
27. February: No Format - The phenomenon "Hessdalen"


12 December: NRK, P2 Ekko.
28 March: Nea Radio, Høgskolestudenter trener feltarbeid
14 March: Inception RN radio network, Internet radio


11. December: Blogtalkradio
23 August: Nea Radio, Hessdalen become a bachelor study
22 February: NRK, P2 Ekko
15.January : Nea Radio, News


27.December : UFO Audit, Internet radio
31.October : Sveriges Radio P3, Institutet
17.September : NRK Trøndelag, Good afternoon Trøndelag
17.September : Nea Radio, News
07.January : NRK, P2 Ekko.


04.November : NRK, Good afternoon Trøndelag.
15.October : NRK Østfold Morran i Østfold.
15.October : NRK Sør-Trøndelag. You may listen to (the norwegian radio), about 1 h and 7 minutes out in the morning news.
21.March : Globus Magazine, Italy
19.February : Verdt å vite, NRK. (Replay from 1994)


1.August : Truthloader Investigates
11.May : Nea Radio


12.April : NEA Radio


12.December : Red Ice Radio
02.March : NRK Trøndelag


16.September : Nea Radio, Holtålen
08.September : NRK Østfold, morgensending


22.October : Nea Radio, Holtålen
16.August : Nea Radio, Holtålen
16.July : NRK Trøndelag
16.July : NRK Østfold
16.July : NRK P1, Norgesglasset
16.July : Nea Radio, Holtålen
16.May : Nea Radio, Holtålen


13. November : NRK P1, Helgeslutt


14.Oktober : RadioAdressa, Trondheim
31.August : Nea Radio, Holtålen


7.November : Nea Radio, Holtålen
12.June : NRK Trøndelag, News


27.December : NRK Østfold, Ettermiddagsnytt kl 16:40
06.September : Nea Radio, Holtålen
10.August : Premiere Radio Networks (USA-Canada), Dreamland. Earthfiles.


23.November : NRK P1, Helgestart - kl.18:15
17.November : Premiere Radio Networks (USA-Canada), Dreamland. Earthfiles. Interview of Dr.Massimo Teodorani
18.October : NRK Sør-Trøndelag at 4:15 P.M.
16.October : Nea Radio, Røros, - at 7:30 P.M.
16.October : Nea Radio, Holtålen, Røros, - at 10:45 A.M.
26.September : P4, TorsDag kl. 12:30
08.August : Nea Radio, Holtålen
16.July : SBS - Australia
29.June : NRK Østfold, Morning news
28.June : P4, - at 7:05 P.M.
28.June : P4, - at 8:15 A.M.
14.June : NRK P1, Kveldsåpent - kl.20:46
14.June : NRK Sør-Trøndelag, Morgensendingen - kl 7:45 - Interview of student Jens Christian Skibakk
29.January : Nea Radio, Selbu/Tydal
26.January : NRK P1 - Her og Nå
26.January : NRK Nord-Trøndelag Distriktsending P1 - God Morgen Nord-Trøndelag
25.January : NRK Nord-Trøndelag Distriktsending P1 - Ettermiddagsending


10.November : NRK P2 - Verdt å vite spesial
5.September : NRK - Sør-Trøndelag: Ettermiddagsending (kl.16:30)
11.August : Nea Radio, Holtålen
18.April : Nea Radio, Holtålen
14.March : Nea Radio, Holtålen
8.March : NRK P1 Norgesglasset
7.March : NRK P1 Norgesglasset
6.March : NRK P1 Norgesglasset
13.February : P4
2.February : Nea radio, Holtålen
14.January : Nea radio, Røros


25.Oktober : Nea radio, Holtålen
12.Oktober : NRK P1 - Etter skoletid.
12.August : NRK Petre Mamarazzi
3.August : NRK - Østfold - Morgensending
2.August : NRK P2 - Dagsnytt atten
2.August : P4 - radiofrokost
3.July : NRK P2 - Verdibørsen
10.May : NRK P1 - Kveldsåpent


29.December : NRK P1 - Kveldsåpent
10.December : Radio P5, (Moss)
26.November : NRK P3 - XL, at 17:15
21.September : Radio1-Fredrikstad - Morning guest, at 8:15(a.m.)
8.September : Radio Tre, (Porsgrunn/Skien)
7.September : NRK - Sør-Trøndelag: Ettermiddagsending (at 4:30 p.m.)
19.August : P4 - Sytten-tretti.
19.August : NRK - P1, Her og nå (at 3.00 p.m.)
19.August : Nea radio, Holtålen
19.August : P4 - news
19.August : NRK - Østfold "Good morning Østfold"
19.August : NRK - Sør-Trøndelag
5.August : NRK - P3 - news at 16.00
5.August : NRK - P1, Her og nå (15.00)
5.August : P4 - news
5.August : P4 - sommerlandet (12.30)
23.June : Nea radio, Holtålen
17.March : Bergen studentradio
19.February : NRK - Østfold "Lett i øret"
17.February : NRK - Østfold "Good morning Østfold"


12.November : Skjeberg Radio
21.October : Radio1-Fredrikstad - Morning guest, at 8:15
24.June : NRK P2. "WOK"


21.October : NRK Østfold. Research days 96
17.October : NRK P3. "NRQ"
19.August : NRK P1. "Nattsvermere"
12.March : NRK Sør-Trøndelag
08.February : NRK P3


22.April : Radio Moss; Uka´s gjest
28.March : Radio 1 Oslo
23.March : NRK P3 "Opptur"
22.March : Radio Grenland
22.March : Radio Nero
21.March : NRK P2
10.February : NRK Østfold, Lett i øret


27.December : Radio Bergen
08.November : Radio Moss
01.August : Jær-radioen
30.July : NRK Utenlandsendinga
09.February: Radio Skjeberg
19.Januar : NRK P2; Ungdommens radioavis


3. November : Radio Halden


10.June : NRK Østfold.


20.November : NRK Østfold
16.August : Radio1


26.April : Radio Nero, Oslo

Copyright ©2000 Project Hessdalen. Webmaster : Erling Strand.
All comments or questions about this web shall be send to Webmaster
Last update 25 February 2025 16:33:45.
