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Observation done by people in the year 2023
All time is local time in Hessdalen, if no other info is given

Date: 25.09.2023 Time: 10:28:37 pm - 10:29:35 pm Place:Camera observation, Blue Box, Vårhus, Hessdalen
Observer: Magnus Holm, through camera
Days before the observation, I had installed a new camera in the Blue Box AMS, a Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera with 3840 x 2160 (8.0 Megapixels) resolution and a 16X zoom. This camera was not yet connected to a detection software. On the evening of the 25th of September, I was playing around with the camera control app on my mobile phone and was looking toward the Finnsåhøgda mountain west-southwest of the Blue Box. I suddenly noticed a light source moving southwards apparently close to the ground, about 250 degrees, just south of the Finnsåhøgda mountain and above the Båttjonnvollen plateau, which is above 900 meters height over the sea. I have measured the Finnsåhøgda south mountain ridge to be around 5 degrees above the horizon, looking from the Blue Box and hence the object elevation angle is lower than this.

I panned the camera a bit to track the movement to the south, and then I attempted to zoom in a bit on the object. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I just started to use the camera, and due to network latency, the camera zoomed past the object. After I was able to zoom out again, I thought the object was gone. I panned the camera a bit further to the south and failed to see anything of relevance and hence I stopped the recording. Afterwards, while taking a close look at the video, I noticed that the original object is still visible in the zoomed out view. Running it in slow-motion, I could see that it looks like the object accelerates to the south in a curve-like motion and disappears. Another thing that I noticed is that in the topper lefter part of the screen, after panning to the south, a light appeared in front of the lower clouds. When playing the movie back and forth, I could clearly see an arcing flight path. This is not something that you see with an airplane, and the airspace was clear according to FlightRadar24.

See the pictures: Picture 1, Picture zoom, Picture 2, Map.
A link to the full video.

Ref. Magnus Holm

Date: 26.07.2023 Time: 12:00 am - 01:00 am Place: Parking-place at the info-signs, Hessdalen
Observer: Oscar Dahlqvist
Oscar tell: I was parked with my motor home in the car park by the yellow information boards. Then I saw a ball of light rising from mount Rognefjell. The light stops a little a while before it blows straight up into the clouds. This happened several times between midnight and 01:00. It seemed as if the light came up from different places at mount Rognefjell.

Ref. Oscar Dahlqvist

Date: 20.05.2023 Time: 12:30 am Place: Lunås cabin, Hessdalen
Observers: Snorre Hovdal, Tomas Dahl and Pelle
Duration of observation about 20 seconds.
Just around 00:30, Snorre finished taking several panoramic pictures of the area between Hessjøen in the south and Skarvan in the north.

As he places his phone in his pocket, a sudden materializing yellow/orange orb catches his eye towards Hessjøen. Turning his head, he can see a light moving from west to east. He alerts his companions and tells them to take a look at the low flying aeroplane. Tomas quickly checks Flight radar 24 app, and says: "There are no flights in the area." The three continues to watch the light as it moves towards Grønåsen/Grøtådalen, and notice that is a perfect orb/sphere. There are no blinking lights, but the orb kind of morphs between a yellow orange towards light red. As it passes over the hill behind Grønåsen it suddenly turns red for a split second and disappears. The disappearance and manifestation can be compared to a light bulb being turned off and on. No fading, no blinking no "burning out" of any sort. Based on its trajectory it should also have been visible for several minutes before it was seen, and it should also have appeared on Snorres Panoramic pictures, which it did not.

Viewpoint from Lunås cabin, animation, Viewpoint 2, Estimated distance trajectory, Flightradar1, Flightradar2

Ref. Snorre Hovdal

Date: 21.01.2023 Time: 5:51 pm Place: Lake Øyungen, Hessdalen
Observer: Mathias Tømmervold
Mathias was fishing, standing on the ice on lake Øungen, at the southern part of the lake. At about 5:51 pm, he saw an orange light towards mouth Skarvan. After a while he see the light is raising. Sometimes it stops, and then it raises again. The light is becoming weaker before it is gone.

At 6:04 pm it returns and it raise again, from the same place as it was some few minutes ago. It is low, because it is below the horizon of the mountain. It raise and stop several times. It seems as it is moving in my direction, but that is hard to tell. It raise again before it become weaker and disappear. It daes not return back anymore. I was looking two more hours.

Ref. Mathias Tømmervold

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Last update 07 February 2025 10:01:58.
