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Observation done by people in the year 2010
All time is local time in Hessdalen, if no other info is given

Date: 27.10.2010 Time: (approx) 10:00 P.M. Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Maren Osøien
Maren and a neighbor woman, stood on the steps on the "oldfarm", in the souther part of Hessdalen. They became aware of a light in the north, standing still, below the horizon. That direction is toward mount Finnsåhøgda, from where they where standing. In the beginning they wondered if it could be a car or something, standing in the Båttjønn area. After a short time they saw the light moving straight up in the sky. It turned and moved in a south-east direction. They did then believed it could be a helicopter, but no sound was heard.
Ref. Jan Moen.

Date: 22.10.2010 Time: 09:14 A.M. Place: Hessdalen
Observer: unknown
A man told Peder Skogaas that he had seen a big light, to the west of Hessdalskjølen.
Ref. Peder Skogaas.

Date: 14.09.2010 Time: 8:45 P.M Place: Slettælet, Øyungen, south in Hessdalen
Observer: Anynomous
Please read the complete report, written by the observer.
Ref. the observer.

Date: 13.09.2010 Time: 2:50 P.M Place: Hessdalslia
Observs: Bjørn and Daniel Lillevold
The observers are driving a car up Hessdalslia, towards Hessdalen, when they see a phenomenon moving towards east, from mount Rongefjell. It has the direction towards the village Ålen. The phenomenon is seen in the daylight. It is cigar shaped, with a black area in the middle. It is seen just some seconds, due to the driving.
Ref. Bjarne og Bjørn Lillevold.

Date: 07.09.2010 Time: 08:55 P.M. Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Jan Moen, Lars Borren and Bjørn Tamlag
The observers where located in the hillside above the common house, when a strong rectangular shaped light light was seen in the north. It has different colours, most yellow and red. The light is a little big strionger at the right side. It is standing still. After about 7 to 8 minutes, it suddenly disappear up to the right (towards east).
Ref. Jan Moen.

Date: 12.01.2010 Time: in the night Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Kjetil Folde and Jannika Grimbe
During the night between the 11. and 12. of January did Jannika and Kjetil see a big light outside their bedroom. In binoculars it looked like a big Christmas tree in different colours, most blue and green. The phenomenon moved extremely slowly toward the north west. It burned out after 1 to 2 hours.
Ref. Kjetil Folde.

Date: 05.01.2010 Time: 07:00 P.M. Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Marit Hov Folde and Kjetil Folde
A big yellow orange light was seen between mount Berghøgda and Morkavollhøgda. The light stood still at first and then moved away slowly in 30-40 seconds. Then the big light suddenly disappeared in just a second. There were no clouds at the time, and the stars were very bright.
Ref. Kjetil Folde.

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Last update 07 February 2025 09:57:45.
