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Observations in the year 1986

October 1986

Date: 20.10.1986 Time: 08:00 pm Sted: Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Arvid Aspås
A large and a small light went at great speed northward over Finnåhøgda

Ref. Jon Arvid Aspås.

Date: 20.10.1986 Time: 07:10 pm Sted: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon and Marit Aspås
Marit and Jon saw a bright object to the east. Jumped in and got the binoculars. The object went to the south and stopped. It stood still for at least 10 minutes, and it was then 19:10. Then the object came a little to the west it seemed (towards Hessdalen), turned and went back a little before it stopped again.

The object was round, but seemed further out as it swung. The speed was slow, but somewhat faster as it went "back" again a bit. Jon and Marit went into the barn because they had started their milking work. The object was gone when they came back out.

The temperature was -3°C, clear weather and a light breeze.

Eldbjørg did also look for the same thing, but she looked to the west and caught sight of something that disappeared in a south-southeasterly direction.

Ref. Jon Aspås.

Date: 12.10.1986 Time: in the evening Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Eivind Lillevold and Bjarne Lillevold
Bjarne saw the same thing as Eivind, but from a different place.
A red ball came over the southern part of Rognefjellet and moved across the valley. It stopped over Hessdalen Church. Then it went over Finnsåhøgda to the west.

Ref. Eivind Lillevold.

September 1986

Date: 06.09.1986 Time: 10:57 pm Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Ole Jonny Brænne and about 20 more
It was 6/9-1986. In the evening we went up to Hessdalen. At first we got a bit lost, but eventually we drove up a toll road and came up to a hill with a good view. It was pitch dark and quite cold, so we shivered a bit as we stood there looking at the stars and all the satellites above us. It was completely starry and windless. I had the Big Dipper in my back and the Pleiades on my left side when I heard the others getting a bit excited about something. They were looking up in the direction above the Pleiades. There was a point of light there, brighter than Venus. It shone for about 2 seconds and then went out. It was then still. I quickly realized that it had begun to flashing about once a second, while it moved toward the horizon at an angle of about 45 degrees.

As I looked at the point of light through the binoculars, I saw a rectangular object rotating on its own axis. Every time the broadside turned towards us it flashed. I got the impression that it shone faintly between each flash. The flashing point of light gradually grew fainter, as if it were moving away.

The distance was completely impossible to determine. There was no sound. The duration was about 2 minutes. I can't think of any possible explanation for what I saw. I would therefore say that it was a UFO.

From what I understand, there was a lot more that happened that night that I didn't catch, maybe because I was so busy following the satellites with my binoculars.

The strange thing about the whole episode was that even though many of those present had cameras, not a single picture was taken that night. But when you see something like this, you get a special feeling inside. You forget everything (data collection, photos, etc.), at least when it's the first time you witness something like this.

Ref. Ole Jonny Brænne.

March 1986

Date: 27.03.1986 Time: 10:00 Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Jørgen Storrønning, Alf Myren and Ingemar Grønås
Jørgen: At 10 pm one evening at Easter. A bright light over the mountain.
Alf: Thursday, March 27 at 10 pm Seen to the west over the southern part of Hessdalen.

Ingemar: First at Easter, saw a light like a star that went down towards the Øyoungen.

Comment: Jørgen and Alf så it together. It may have been the same as what Ingemar saw.

Ref. Leif Havik.

February 1986

Date: 28.02.1986 Time: 11:00 am Place: Båttjønna, Hessdalen
Observers: Ivar Melås and his wife Jorunn
This happened on Friday, February 28, 1986, a little after 11:00 am. His wife Jorunn saw it first. They were skiing inland towards lake Øyungen. Shortly before they were at Båttjønna, they saw a slightly elongated object that seemed to descend behind a hill about 1.5 km from the road. The object was somewhat lumpy and the color was dark. The observation lasted 10 to 15 seconds for Jorunn and 45 seconds for Ivar. They specify that the observation was seriously uncertain.

Ref. Ivar Melås.

Date: 27.02.1986 Time: ca. 02:00 pm Place: Nyådalen, Fordalen
Observers: Leif Forodden and his wife
This was seen from Nydalen / Fordalen towards Bjørgen, towards the forest in the main valley at Bjørgen/ Fjeset, towards the northeast. From the cabin in Nydalen, the observers saw an oblong object that was slightly pointed at both ends. The color was white, shiny or grayish. It was large. The object rose in a horizontal position, and it could not be seen when it came "towards" snow-covered mountains above the tree line. Seen over Våttåsen towards the Fjeset side. The distance is believed to have been about 8 km in straight line. The observation time was about 30 seconds. It was partly cloudy weather, a little sun, maybe some wind, -breeze.

Ref. Leif Forodden .

Date: l5.02.1986 Time: 08:26 pm Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Eivind Lillevold
ivind saw the "UFO" when it came from the south and stopped over Finnsåhøgda. It was red then. Shortly after it moved north, and was then yellow-white.

Ref. Liv Lillevold.

Date: l4.02.1986 Time: 10:00 pm Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Lars Lillevold
A flashing light over Finnsåhøgda. It stood still for 4 to 5 minutes. Then slowly speeding north.

Ref. Lars Lillevold.

January 1986

Date: l2.01.1986 (or 13.01) Time: ? Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Eldbjørg og Jon Aspås
An oblong object with a pointed front, a cross at the back and a dark area in the middle. It passed from the west and headed east-northeast. The object was large and had a whitish light.

Ref. Jon Aspås.

Date: 0l.01.1986 Time: 10:29 pm Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Irre Lindstrøm and Per Kåre Lund
The "object" came from the north and went south over Finnsåhøgda. At first I was sure it was an airplane. But through the binoculars I could not see any flashing lights or anything resembling an airplane. It was silent. Its size was like the planet Venus. Its color was white-yellow with a small red ball behind. There was a steady brightness on both. The object was seen early because of its bright light, and it could be easily followed when it passed over Finnsåhøgda. Saw it for about 6 minutes. The weather was clear and cold.

Ref. Irre Lindstrøm.

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Last update 20 January 2025 11:25:07.
