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Observations in the year 1985

December 1985

Date: 21.12.1985 Time: 08:30 pm Place: Close to the river at Jenshaugen, Hessdalen
Observer: Arthur Jenshaug
At about 8:30 p.m. Arthur went out after there had been interference on the television for a long time. He then saw a large round light with several smaller lights, standing over the river valley up at Jenshaugen, - at the very bottom of Hessdalen. The light stood there for at least ½ hour.

Arthur has had sightings before, and this "thing" was similar to what he had seen before.

Ref. Arthur Jenshaug.

Date: 19.12.1985 Time: 04:19 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon and his wife Eldbjørg Aspås
A yellowish, slightly oval object came from the southwest and stopped about over the "hill". It came at a great height and moved quickly. Jon went inside to get binoculars, but when he came out it was gone. It disappeared to the northeast. Observation time approx. 5 to 6 seconds.

Ref. Jon Aspås.

November 1985

Date: 21.11.1985 Time: 05:10 pm Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Martin Hegset
Martin came home at 5:00 PM, went out and saw a luminous yellow-white object by Brattbekken towards Våhuskjølen. It had a speed almost like an airplane. It followed Hesja up. Disappeared up in the deep valley between Heggset and Vårhus. Looked south to see it further south, but saw nothing. His wife looked with him.

Ref. Jon Aspås.

Date: 19.11.1985 Time: 07:15 am Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon and Marit Aspås
A bright "star" came from the west and went east. When she was going to warn Jon she went towards the barn. She looked up and the "star" was gone. But she then saw another "star" further south, and this one twinkled a little as it disappeared in the east.

Ref. Eldbjørg Aspås.

Date: 15.11.1985 Time: 07:30 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Åge Moe
"Orange" came from Øggdalen by Litlfjellet and headed towards Haltdalen.

Ref. Rutt Mary Moe.

October 1985

Date: 09.10.1985 ? Time: ? Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Marit Aspås
A long, illuminated object to the north. It was partly cloudy.

Ref. Eldbjørg Aspås.

Date: 06.10.1985 Time: ? Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Åsmund, Martin and Eldbjørg Aspås
An illuminated object, under cloud cover on the east side of Finnsåhøgda.

Ref. Eldbjørg Aspås.

August 1985

Date: 21.08.1985 Time: between 10:30 pm and 10:45 pm Place: Stensli, Ålen
Observer: Edvin Kværnes
This evening it was partly cloudy, windless and nice weather. The temperature was about 12°C. The moon was not visible. Edvin was at Stensli and saw the phenomenon in the southwest towards Rognefjell. What was seen had a bluish color and was reminiscent of an arc welding flame, which was lit and extinguished quite soon. The observation time was about 1 minute. The "object" must have been below the cloud layer, as the clouds were seen in the background. It was large. With an outstretched arm there was about 7 cm between the thumb and index finger.

Ref. Kurt Roger Andersen.

April 1985

Date: 05.04.1985 Time: 10:30 am Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Torbjørn Dragmyrhaug and his wife
At 10:30 am Torbjørn and his wife were driving up Hessdalslia and his wife saw a wingless plane over Hessdalskjølen, or northern part of Aspåskjølen. It stood still before moving north. After a short while it suddenly disappeared.

Ref. Torbjørn Dragmyrhaug.

March 1985

Date: 06.03.1985 (or 13.03) Time: ? Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Arne Stene
Arne drove a car from Ålen to Vårhus in Hessdalen. When he arrived at Hessdalskjølen he saw a large light passing south over Hessdalen. He had not seen anything like it before. He picked up a person in Våherhus and on their way back they stopped at Hessdalskjølen. The same phenomenon returned to the north.

Ref. Åge Moe.

Date: 01.03.1985 Time: 07:25 pm Place: Øyungen
Observers: Rutt-Mary and Åge Moe
Were on their way towards Øyungen, along the Vårhus road with a scooter. Had arrived east of Skarvtjønna at 07:25 pm when they saw a red light coming over Rognefjellet and heading towards Vårhuskjølen. There it stopped (slow speed).

They continued on their scooter and stopped south of Langen. Then they saw the light again as it came from the south over Rødhovde and went north. The colors were red and orange.

At Øyungen they saw the same phenomenon as it passed from north to south over Øyungen and Elgsjøen. A plane passed at the same time to the north.

Ref. Åge Moe.

January 1985

Date: 30.01.1985 Time: 20:30 Place: Øyungen
Observer: Bernhard Gjersvold
Yellowish-white light phenomenon seen at Øyungen for approx. ½ hour.

Ref. Leif Havik.

Date: 30.01.1985 Time: 07:30 pm Place: Lake Hersjøen
Observer: Jon Arvid Aspås
Came from Øyungen on a scooter. Saw it towards the west side of Hersjøen, approx. at 07:30 pm. The object went towards Jon Arvid's mountain farm, which is located on the øeast side of Hersjøen. It stood above this, before it headed south.

Ref. Leif Havik.

Date: 29.01.1985 Time: from 08:00 pm to 08:30 pm Place: The small valleys towards Finnsådalen
Observer: Bjørn R. Gjersvold
It was shiny and big like a streetlight. I saw it between 8:00 PM and 8:30 PM.

Ref. Bjørn R. Gjersvold.

Date: 27.01.1985 time: between 12:10 am and 12:15 am, and 01:15 am Place: Aspåskjølen
Observers: Jens A. Tellefsen and more
This happened during the field operation, which lasted from 14.01.85 until 10.02.85
The observers were outside the headquarters on Aspåskjølen. Light phenomenon was seen towards the edge of the forest below Finnåhøgda. Engelbrektsen and Husby screamed that they had seen a strong flash of light that had moved "up and down again". I (Jens) suddenly saw a short, strong flash of light with the color yellow-white. The time for the flash of light was about between 1 and 2 seconds

Christer Nordin writes: After the shout for a flash of light, I went out of the instrument cabin (headquarters). I then observed a strong flash of light towards the side of Finnsåhøgda. Immediately afterwards, a new light came, more to the left of the first observation. After about 30 seconds, a third flash of light came in the same area.

About an hour later, at about 01:15, Kristin Wallgren saw another short flash of light. This time the color was yellow-orange. It was in the same area as the one just after midnight.

Ref. Jens A. Tellefsen.

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Last update 19 January 2025 17:45:48.
