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Observation 25 September 1982

We were a group of friends who traveled to Hessdalen this weekend. Besides myself, Erling Strand, there was Vidar Nærby, August Holen, Leif Havik, Kurt Roger Andersen, Johan Hjelvik, Arne Pross Thamassen, Tone Nilsen, and a few others. Most of us camped inside the Vårhus farm road, just north of lake Øyungen. The temperature was about +5°C, it was cloudy but clear. There was a light wind from the south.

camp 1982
The camp
camp 1982
camp 1982
4 at a daytour to Raudhovdet

This Saturday evening, September 25, 1982, we split up into groups that positioned themselves on different mountains. We had Walkie Talkies with us so that we could stay in touch. In case of any observations, we would be able to cross-mirror and thus know where the phenomenon was.

Vidar Närby and I positioned ourselves north of Värhuskjølen, about 600 meters from Värhusvegen. That hill is 737 meters above sea level. In addition to the Walkie Talkies, we had two camping chairs, a photo tripod and two cameras with us. (Walkie Talkies were the communication equipment at the time in 1982)
Vidar with the equipment.
Ready for the walk
Erling ready for walking to the location on Vårhuskjølen north.

Erling writes in the report:
We, Erling Strand (me) and Vidar Nærby were located all the way north on Vårhuskølen. We had positioned ourselves and finished rigging the equipment at 19:30. Arne Pross Thomassen who was located on Finnsåhøgda syd, said on Walkie Talkie that he saw two objects south in Hessdalen. We then looked south and noticed a "very active" in the night sky. We saw light in the sky that clearly came from two "light sources" behind (south) Heggsethøgda. The light could look like the light from a big city, but only as a point source. We could clearly see that there were two. The activity persisted for a long time, but varied in strength. We also saw cone-shaped beams of light that were "shot" into the air. These "shots" came close together and in different directions. Whether both objects were shot or just one is difficult to say, because they were not always equally easy to distinguish.

Fra Erlings rapport

Once when the light activity, or intensity, was greatest, a warm yellow "ball" came up over the horizon in the direction south-southwest (200°). This moved slowly to the right (towards the west) and went down behind the edge again, in the direction of 220°. Later the activity became lower again and it simply disappeared.

During the observation period a light in the southwest direction was also seen. This looked like the light from a large city, and was approximately constant. It was also larger in extent. - Erling took a total of 5 pictures with Fuji ASA color film, but none of these came to anything.

Pictures taken by
Arne P. Thomassen

Arne Pross Thomassen and Tone were up on Finnsåhøgda syd*, which is 300 meters higher up than where Vidar and I were, and he and Tone had the best view.
Arne Pross Thomassen writes:
The first UFO appeared in the south. It stood completely still low above the ground and shone and fluttered in a set. The time was 19:50 summer time, the date was 25/9-82 and it was cloudy and quite windy. We climbed Finns' Hill South* in the afternoon and settled on a small mountain ledge on the south slope. We saw the UFOs four times that evening and in three different places.
(* It says Fjellbek Hill South in Arne's report. It is actually Finns' Hill South)

Five minutes on At 9:55 PM it got a little nerve-wracking because the UFO that was drifting and flying back and forth over the village suddenly started using a light. The light pointed here and there and lit up the cloud layer at times, but then the UFO came straight towards us and shone over where we were sitting. That's when my colleague got scared and threw himself down, but just then the UFO turned around.

Arne Wisth was with some others on the Aspåskj&ols&ash;len. He saw one of the UFOs as it came down through the cloud cover and lit up the clouds. He ran around the car and got the camera that was in the front seat, but by then the UFO had flown down behind the nearest s.

The other five teams also got a little look, but they were sitting too low and only saw one of the UFOs come over a hill.

Leif Havik was sitting on a small hill just northeast of where we were camping, south of Båttjønnhøgda. The searchlight came between him and Arne P.Thomassen, so he thought it was Arne P. driving and shining his searchlight.

Leif Havik writes in his book:
At 8 p.m. it started to get really loud. Then several of the posts became aware of the light phenomenon, and then it went on until about midnight.

The first light phenomenon appeared in the south at 19:50. It stood completely still for a while and then flickered and lit up the surroundings in one go. August Holen and I were standing inside at Røåvollen and we also saw these rays of light that flashed and twisted in different directions, but I never saw any light source, and assumed that it was someone playing with bright flashlights.

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