December 1982
Date: 31.12.1982 Time: 10:30 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
At approximately 10:30 pm a yellow light was observed over the south side of Finnsåshøgda.
The light went up and down.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 28.12.1982 Time: 06.30 P.M. Place: Hessdalskjølen, Hessdalen.
Observers: Jan Inge Dragmyrshaug.
Luminous object moving north from Hessdalskjølen. .
No sound.
ref: Jan Inge Dragmyrshaug
Date: 27.12.1982 Time: 08.15 A.M. Place: Hessdalen.
Observers: Jan Inge Dragmyrshaug.
Luminous object moving westward at Nessvollen.
Quite a short distance and no sound.
ref: Jan Inge Dragmyrshaug
Date: 24.12.1982 Time: 11:20 pm Place: Reitan stasjon, Ålen
Observers: Ole Lillevold, Lars and Liv Lillevold and 3 more
bservation at Reitan station at 23:20. Cloudy, calm, fine weather.
Shiny ball, football size, approx. 2 km distance as the crow flies. It went south. Stopped over
Nesvold for approx. 10 minutes, disappeared further south.
Ref. Ole Lillevold.
Date: 12.12.1982 Time: 06:35 pm Place: Hessdalen
Observers: Ole Lillevold and 3 more
A shiny spherical object came from the south and headed towards Våhuskølen, stopped and headed south at an altitude of about 300 meters.
It encountered a scheduled flight further south in Hessdalen.
Ref. Ole Lillevold.
Date: 08.12.1982 Time: 05:20 pm and 08:55 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
A luminous object passed north at 05:20 pm and returned at 08:55 pm.
It passed very slowly at that time.
The object was oblong and well lit, with a dark area in the middle.
Aspås was called by I. Grønås who observed a light at Båttjønndalen for about 15 minutes before it disappeared.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 06.12.1982 Time: ?? Place: Vårhus, Hessdalen
Observer: Liv Lillevold
A shiny ball of bright light passed over Litlefjellet.
Ref. Liv Lillevold.
Date: 06.12.1982 Time: 04:46 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon Aspås and Martin Aspås
A large object came from the north and passed directly to the south. It was a spherical light.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 04.12.1982 Time: 05:53 pm Place: Aspåskjølen, Hessdalen
Observer: Leif Havik
At 05:53 pm a red ball appeared behind Litlfjellet at Øggdalen. It went up and down before disappearing to the west.
The weather was clear with some haze on the horizon, light snow and -10°C. Temperature at 06:41 pm: -11°C, at 09:00 pm: -9 °C.
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 03.12.1982 Time: 05:20 pm Place: Aspåskjølen, Hessdalen
Observers: Leif Havik, Jon Aspås og Martin Aspås
At 05:20 pm, an object appeared in the south, approximately in the middle of Hessdalen. It was completely quiet for a while before it slowly
passed to the north. Passage lower than 680 metres. Duration approx. 4 minutes before it disappeared over Little Mountain.
The object made a slight turn towards øst at the crest of the Liltfjellet. Observation from the Asp hide
while Aspås seedå that from home. One person, Mr. Bull was deep in Hessdalen and had seen the same thing from there.
He called Jon Aspås and told them he had seen it just after 5:00 p.m.
The object was elongated and well lit, and it passed more slowly than aircraft.
Several people in Hessdalen think å have seen that it stood still and flashed before it disappeared to the north.
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 02.12.1982 Time: 10:03 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
At 10:03 pm an object appeared behind Litlfjellet north of Finnsåhøgda,
and disappeared behind the mountain after a few seconds. The object appeared on south side of
Finnsåhøgda and disappeared østover with great speed.
It was a large illuminated object. Flashed 3 times, stay, flashed 3 times, etc.
The light was paler than flashes from airplanes. No sound.
Aspås called the airport on Kudos for å check small planes,
and got the answer that på due to fog could not land a plane there.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 02.12.1982 Time: 08:21 pm Place: Vårhus, Hessdalen
Observers: Eivind Lillevold and more
Eiving with several observed from Vårhus a spherical object, shiny to å start with,
and later red. The object ran from north to south over Finnsåhøgda.
Two fighters passed over Rognes in the direction of Hessdalen at 07:25 pm and returned at approximately 19:32,
but flow then a little longer øst på trip north..
Ref. Liv Lillevold.
Date: 02.12.1982 Time: 07:00 am Sted: Lake Øyungen, Hessdalen
Observer: Ingmar Lillevold
Ingmar Lillevold observed an object on the south side of lake Øyungen, when he was ice fishing on the lake.
A fighter plane passed at 11:00 am.
Ref. Liv Lillevold.
November 1982
Date: 24.11.1982 Time: 06:30 am Place Hessdalslia
Observers: Kåre Hov
A luminous object that stood still above the road down in Hessdalslia. When a car came down,
disappeared quickly but returned again when the car had passed. The same thing happened again
a car came up the road a little later.
Kåre tells a couple of days later: It was på in the morning, a little before seven-thirty when I went out
for å go to work. When I came away at along the way I saw a red object
which resembled på a Christmas tree or a triangle. I saw it about 50 meters from the road, - the road to Hessdalen.
I saw it through the forest, and after a while a car came down, at the same time a car came up.
Just as this car came uphill, the red light disappeared and remained gone until the car had passed and until it
second car had passed downhill.
Just afterwards I went to one of those who live in the vicinity, and asked if they had seen anything. Likeså I asked
the bus driver, but no one had seen anything.
We went uphill for a little while after; for if possible å could see some traces of the ground, but
we found nothing. The observation took place approximately five hundred meters from my residence. I stood outside to watch it.
I have never seen the famous Hessdals UFO before, and I have said that I would prefer to see "it"
down by the field before I believe in some of that. I got that now, but I'm not
sure of what it could be, for I have never seen anything like it before.
Ref. Kåre Hov.
Date: 22.11.1982 Time: 10:23 pm and 10:41 pm Place Vårhus
Observers: Liv Lillevold and her son Eiving Lillevold
A red sphere passed in a southerly direction, directly over Vårhus. Seconds later,
one of the Norwegian Defence Forces' fighter planes passes in the same path, but slightly higher and at a slightly higher speed.
Sound could be heard from the fighter plane.
Via the Defence Forces' station at Gråkallen, contact was made with the pilot of the
fighter plane from the 338th Squadron on Øsørlandet. The following is reported:
A fighter plane never flies alone, and in this case there were also two planes.
The first plane never has more than one red light on its rear, but the plane that comes
approximately 100m after has normal lights.
At 10:41 pm Liv and Eivind could see an object heading north, and after a while there was a quiet south in the valley.
Ref. Liv Lillevold.
Date: 19.11.1982 Time: 09:35 pm Place: Ålen
Observer: Ole Lillevold
The observation was made from home and the object was seen directly above the railway at Reitan.
At first I thought it was a train but soon found out that it was higher.
Ole confirmed this when he saw it by some lights from houses,
and he then saw that it was going higher than the railway line. The object was going north,
between the ramp to Killingdal Gruver and the buildings up in the valley further down,
south of Reitan. It followed the river down.
Ole then called Hessdalen and told them what I had seen, and then the object disappeared. After about half a minute,
it reappeared, after being hidden behind the forest. Then it disappeared without Ole being able to see where it went.
(Ole Lillevold claims to have noted down details of the incident, which will later be sent
to UFO-Norway's reporting center)
The observation lasted about three minutes in total and the distance
Ole saw was about two kilometers. The object was shiny at first, but took on a reddish color as it moved.
Its size was about the size of a handball.
It ran roughly parallel to the railway line, and when it
reached the railway bridge, it followed the Gaula River downstream until it disappeared.
Ref. Ole Lillevold.
Date: 18.11.1982 Time: 07:30 am Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
At 07:30 an object about the size of the largest star came from west to east.
It passed slowly.
Satellites have been observed countless times before and this is completely ruled out.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 17.11.1982 Time: 07:00 am Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
A little after 07:00 an object came from the north and stopped before moving on to the south.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 06.11.1982 Time: between 06:20 pm and 06:30 pm Place: Vårhus, Hessdalen
Observer: Lars Lillevold
A low-flying UFO went from south to north, just over the ridge on Finnsåhøgda.
A bright white light, with some red in the light. In the binoculars a red light was clearly visible.
When this was in a northerly direction, another dull moon-colored light came in the northeast.
It was as big as a grapefruit in an outstretched arm. It went towards the other light, the UFO.
It went out, lit up, went out and disappeared. It was seen both visually and through binoculars.
At the same time a large object appeared about 70 degrees above us, as big as a grapefruit in an outstretched
arm. It came in a spiral shape and stopped in the sky, faded away, and seemed faint, became strong, faded away, became strong. Then
it disappeared completely. At the same time a small, faint white light seemed to go towards this. Planes passed as usual,
and all flight times were noted.
All this happened between 06:20 pm and 06:30 pm. Ingmar, Lars Lillevold's son, came from the kiosk,
and caught a glimpse of three UFOs at a distance of 200 meters, as big as chairs.
One headed towards Ålen, the other two towards Hessdalen.
Later in the evening they met a couple at the kiosk, who had also seen the same thing at the same time.
There was also an observation in Flåmarka at the same time. Ref: Edvar Bollandsås, Kvål
Ref. Lars Lillevold.
Date: 05.11.1982 Time: 05:18pm, 05:55pm and 08:10pm Place: Kjerrengvollen, Hessdalen
Observers: Barbro Magnusson og Góran Ohlsson
At 17:18 an object passed from north to south.
The object looked like an airplane, but as it got closer, they could see a white light
with a red light above. The object was seen through binoculars.
Several planes were seen and the flight times were noted. The sound could be heard clearly, unlike when the UFO passes.
Through binoculars they could see the wings and bodies of the planes that passed.
At 17:55 an object came from the south and moved north at a slow speed.
he observatories were near the house of Bjarne and Hallfrid Lillevold at Vå:rhus.
Then they saw an object that went from south to north. It was a luminous triangle, with a red flashing light
at the top.
Just before 8:00 PM, Bjarne and his son Bjørn Lillevold saw a UFO rise over Vårhuskjølen and slowly descend again.
It was as big as the moon and they saw it for about 4 minutes.
Ref. Barbro Magnusson og Góran Ohlsson.
Date: 01.11.1982 Time: 10.45 P.M. Place: Mount Fjellbekkhøgda, Hessdalen.
Observers: Jan Inge Dragmyrshaug.
Luminous object that went southward at mount Fjellbekkhøgda.
ref: Jan Inge Dragmyrshaug
October 1982
Date: 31.10.1982 Time: 06:17 pm Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Ole Lillevold
A luminous object passed southwards at a steady slow pace. Midway in Hessdalen
"it"met" an airplane and the sound of this airplane could be heard.
The object passed in a high orbit in the sky.
Ref. Ole Lillevold
Date: 30.10.1982 Time: 06:50 pm Place: ??
Observer: Ole Lillevold
A luminous object passed slowly to the south, high in the sky.
Ref. Ole Lillevold
Date: 26.10.1982 Time: 07:37 pm and 07:55 pm Place: Vårhuskjølen
Observers: Leif Havik, K.Aspen, Arne Lundberg and Christer Axbom
There was a strong wind from the southwest all evening. The temperature was +4°C.
We arrived at Våhuskølen at 07:35 pm and at 07:37 pm an oblong illuminated object
moved slowly in a northerly direction. There was a flashing red
light ahead. Very uneven path, with swaying movements that can be compared to a sheet of ash with a glow
being carried by the wind. It passed almost directly over where we were standing. It was so close
to us that we could hear a kind of hissing sound from it. The sound can be compared to
the sound of high-voltage cables in humid weather.
At 07:55 pm a luminous object passed in a northerly direction over Finnsåhøgda. The object could have been an
plane but there was no sound and it was too brightly lit for our plane.
We travelled up to Finnsåhøgda south and arrived there at 09:20 pm. Returned at 09:49 pm. No observation apart from
flashes and lightning-fast rays of light that went vertically down towards the mountain peaks in the south-southwest.
Similar flashes have been seen several times before.
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 24.10.1982 Time: 03:40 pm Place: Heggset, Hessdalen
Observers: Ole and Petter Bendheim
We were driving by Heggset in Hessdalen and observed an oblong object that looked almost like a loaf of bread. Its length was four times its height, and about 20 to 30 meters long.
On the front part there was something that looked like a glass dome or something made of glass.
The color otherwise was steely metallic, and it looked like a large steel box.
The object disappeared behind the forest in the direction of Båttjønndalen, where two others saw the same thing through binoculars.
It passed slowly without a sound.
The witnesses have not seen UFOs before and they thought that a mirror image could be a possible cause.
Ref. Ole and Petter Bendheim
Date: 23.10.1982 (Saturrday) Time: ?? Sted: Rognefjell
Observers: Arne Pross Thomassen and his wife Tone
Because we had observed UFOs at Rognefjellet the last two days and had also observed them there several
times before, we decided to try to get close to them to get the long-awaited super pictures. We therefore
climbed up Rognefjellet today and from there we could get a nice panoramic view of the mountainous plateau b
elow. The distance to the mines was then only 1 km. We sat down and waited, and darkness came steadily,
the lenses misted up and frost formed on all the equipment. No UFOs came. However, there were two strong
flashes of light from the other side of
Hessdalen, where we had been sitting the evening before.
The flashes came from behind Finnsåhøgda.
Ref. Arne Pross Thomassen.
Date: 22.10.1982 (Friday) Time: 05:40 pm, 06:05 pm and 08:20 pm Place: Fjellbekkhøgda
Observers: Arne Pross Thomassen and his wife Tone
Arne and Tone climbed up Fjellbekkøgda a little earlier this evening than the evening before.
They brought a SLR camera with a lens with a focal length of 1000mm and a narrow-format film camera, and were well dressed.
At 05:40 pm they saw an object standing still over two small abandoned mines on the mountain plateau to the east,
over the southern part of Rognefjell. Arne measured the direction to 89° from where they were standing. Arne took lots of pictures.
The object stood still for a long time. After a while the UFO moved on and was joined by another one so that we both got a number of pictures and slr film.
They tried to send some flashes of light towards them with a 50W halogen lamp (1000m auxiliary high beam with battery).
By the time Arne started flashing one had gone out or disappeared and soon after the other also disappeared.
At 18:05 they returned and they took some final photos before they went down the mountain and drove home to the cabin they had rented.
t 08:20 pm, while they were loading the equipment into the seater, an elongated object came flying slowly, low
and silently while flashing red lights along the edge in an ambulatory manner.
Arne listened and listened for a flight recorder, but it never came. It was completely silent.
I was able to take two pictures with a camera with a 400mm lens. Tone believes that the object was cigar-shaped.
(Comment: Later it was found that the stated observation location Fjellbekkhøgda should actually be Finnsåhøgda syd)
Ref. Arne Pross Thomassen.
Date: 21.10.1982 (Thursday) Time: 09:13 pm and 09:17 pm Place: Båttjønndalen
Observers: Leif Havik, Johan Hjelvik, A.Flatekval, A.P.Thomassen and Tone
At 09:13 pm we saw an elongated and brightly lit object, heading south, west of Båttjønnhøgda.
It suddenly disappeared.
At 09:17 pm an object came heading south. It went east of Finnsåhøgda.
It had a steady trajectory and speed. The object disappeared behind a cloud, but reappeared.
It was clear, fine weather, quiet and cold. A strong gust of wind (?) was heard between these
two observations.
Checked with Værnes Airport: No planes were supposed to be there then.
Hummelfjell and Gråkallen radar stations: No observations on radar.
Arne Pross Thomassen writes that he and Tone had made it up to Fjellbekkhøgda this evening,
and were there for a few hours. They saw, and took pictures of the UFOs on the east side of the valley.
(Comment: Later it was found that the stated observation location Fjellbekkhøgda should actually be Finnsåhøgda syd)
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 20.10.1982 Time: 07:40 am Place: Hessdalskjølen
Observer: Dagfinn Brattås
(Report written 30.10.1982)
This morning it was clear weather with some snow on the ground.
At 7:40, bus driver Dagfinn Brattås bus was driving
from Aring;len to Hessdalen. He was driving slowly at the top of Hessdalskjãlen due to ice on the road. Dagfinn saw a bright, reflective object by the TV mast.
He stopped the bus and got out. He then saw that the object was cigar-shaped, grayish metallic, possibly reflecting the sun.
The object had the 2nd and 3rd quarters of its length illuminated by a red light.
The object was seen with the sky as a background, and it possibly passed slightly above, or at,
the height of Finnsåhøgda (1069 meters).
The size is estimated to be about the size of an airliner. Dagfinn has never seen a UFO before.
Ref. Dagfinn Brattås.
Date: 09.10.1982 Time: ?? Place: Aspåskjølen
Observer: T.I.Svendsen
Luminous ball, the size of a star, went up and down over Finnsåhøgda. Duration about 6 to 7 minutes.
Ref. T.I.Svendsen.
Date: 08.10.1982 Time: 11:20 pm Sted: Aspåskjølen
Observer: Einar Engebretsen
(Report written 26 October 1982.)
Friday 8 October at 23:20 on the way up towards Aspåskjølen Engebretsen
suddenly spotted a luminous object in the sky to the north-northwest. It was shaped like a flat-topped sphere and was about the size of the moon. Engebretsen stopped the car and got out. The light intensity increased and it was painful to look at.
Suddenly the object plummeted down behind the treetops to emerge in a completely different place.
The spectacle stretched across the sky. In large zig-zag movements it could fly away,
or it fell dowdy towards the horizon to plummet back and forth.
During the movements, the object shone intensely white, much brighter than airplane lights.
It sometimes moved so fast that the object remained suspended in the air. During the display,
the object kept stopping and the brightness seemed to cool or sink in the inner core of the sphere.
The luminous ring, corona around the sphere, illuminated the inner part of it in a way that
reminded of faintly glowing metal. Engebretsen could clearly see the shape of the object.
Before each movement the object increased sharply in brightness, which persisted until the next stop
where the brightness decreased again. The object operated in a limited area. Total observation time was approx. 4 minutes.
When it seemed that the object had disappeared behind the horizon for good, Engebretsen
drove up to Aspås in the knowledge that the observers there had observed the object.
But the result was negative. However, several people in the village had observed the phenomenon (ref. Lars Lillevold).
The weather was partly cloudy, light wind. Later in the evening there was some hail and snow.
If the object had operated north of the observatories at Aspås, they should have seen it too.
It is understandable that the object was behind the observatories, and closer to Engebretsen
than he thought. He felt nauseous after the incident. Recently he has been troubled by headaches that keep coming and going. Whether this is related to the observation is impossible to know.
After the incident, Engebretsen has had a strange dream that repeats itself almost every night.
But, as he himself says; it is just a dream, it can't have anything to do with my observation, can it?
Engebretsen has seen UFOs before too.
Ref. Einar Engebretsen
Date: 08.10.1982 Time: 11:20 pm Place: ??
Observers: ??
everal people saw a ball of light in the sky north-northwest of Hessdalen. It jumped up and down and
made strange movements. Then it disappeared into the forest behind some trees,
only to reappear. Finally it descended like a "falling leaf" and disappeared for good.
(Comment: May be the same observation Einar Engebretsen had(?))
Ref. Leif Havik
Date: 08.10.1982 Time: ?? Place: Finnsåhøgda, Hessdalen
Observer: Rolf D. Tönset
An oval and long illuminated object east of Finns' Height.
It was moving at high speed and heading towards Gauldalen when it disappeared.
Ref. Rolf D. Tönset.
Date: 08.10.1982 Time: 07:42 pm and 08:50 pm Place: Finnsåhøgda
Observers: Lars Lillevold, Leif Havik and more.
Oblong object passed in a northerly direction over Finnsåhøgda. The object went down the north side
of Finnsåhøgda and suddenly disappeared approximately over Haltdalen.
The object could be seen in the same horizontal plane as the observation point at Vårhus/national road when it disappeared.
At 08:50 pm: "Same" object returned, but this time further east of Finnsåhøgda.
It passed slowly and finally disappeared into the cloud cover at about 1400-1500 meters altitude.
Weather conditions: Partly cloudy with light snow showers in the evening.
The object was well lit and silent.
Ref. Lars Lillevold
Date: 05.10.1982 Time: 11:40 pm Place: Øvre (Upper) Å:len
Observer: Ole Lillevold
At 23:40 Ole Lillevold saw a bright red-yellow pole that appeared to be
1 meter high. Distance was 500 to 600 meters. It stood still.
A shiny sphere appeared at the end, and it followed the pole upwards which eventually disappeared. The sphere stood still and disappeared westwards
after about 30 seconds. It was quiet and cloudy.
Ref. Ole Lillevold
September 1982
Date: xx.09.1982 Time: 11:00 pm Place: At Killingdal mine, Ålen
Observer: Johannes Lyngstad
(Report written 22 January 1984)
This observation was seen some minutes before 11:00 pm. The weather was calm, clear or partly cloudy,
but with fog in the forest belt and up in the mountains. Location: The road from Killingdal mines, the road junction at Holte,
Norol station (petrol) and by the public library in Ålen.
Bjarne Lillevold and I came from the afternoon shift at the mine. Down the road we saw a luminous object in the sky.
At the crossroads in Holte I stopped the car and we got out. There we saw an object in a westerly direction
between the fir trees, but in front of the fog. The object disappears and reappears many times until finally
disappears completely.
We drive on and see the object again from time to time from the road, a short stop at the Norol station.
At the public library in Ålen I stop the car, turn off the lights and engine and get out
and follow the object with my eyes until it stops in the northern sky.
Then a new object comes at a roughly right angle to the first and somewhat lower it crosses the course
of the first and disappears into the forest and fog over Grytbak.
Both objects were silent and about the size of 1 to 2 "large" stars,
the last one a little larger.
We drive on and see the object again from time to time from the road, a short stop at the Norol station.
At the public library in Ålen I stop the car, turn off the lights and engine and get out
and follow the object with my eyes until it stops in the northern sky.
Bjarne Lillevold followed me to Barnbram (?), where he picked up his moped to drive
home to Vårhus in Hessdalen. I drove on alone, about 2 km up Hessdalslia
to drive the first gundavegen (?) to the right and home.
have also seen several luminous objects, but they have been far away and could be mistaken for
airplanes, so I choose to ignore
these as I am not entirely sure that they are not airplanes, satellites, etc.
Ref. Johannes Lyngstad.
Date: 29.09.1982 Time: 02:00 pm Place: Litlfjellet
Observers: Helge Aasen and a friend
We were moose hunting, and when we were on the east side of Litlfjellet,
about halfway between Litlfjellet and Åsplasse, north of Hessdalen,
we saw a bus-like thing slowly passing south.
It followed the edge of the east side of Litlfjellet. It was illuminated by some kind of metal, and
it must have been quite large, possibly like a bus.
Ref. Helge Aasen
Date: 28.09.1982 Time: 11:20 pm Place: Å:len
Observer: Ole Lillevold
Large round and shiny ball, as big as a football, at approx. 500 to 600 meters
distancewas observed at 11:20 pm observed at the bottom of the upper Ålen.
It moved up and down 2 or 3 times, moved horizontally and disappeared
westwards after approx. 10 to 12 minutes. Somewhat cloudy weather.
Ref. Ole Lillevold
Date: 26.09.1982 Time: from 07:30 pm to midnight Place: Heggsethøgda, Hessdalen
Observers: Erling Strand, Arne Pross Thomassen, Leif Havik, Vidar Nærby and more
Read the report
Ref. Erling Strand.
Date: 24.09.1982 Time: 10:15 pm - 11:20 pm Place: Ålen
Observer: Bjarne Lillevold and one more
On our way home from work in Killingdal Gruver, we (2) saw a luminous object towards Hessdalsfjella.
It was a cloudy spring. We followed the national road down to Stensli, and when we had driven about
five kilometers, we saw that the object began to descend towards the spruce forest.
My friend who was in the car had never seen the so-called UFO before, and was quite excited about
what they could see. We drove quickly down to the center of the village, and then an object came from Hessdalen,
and stood below the other which stood completely still right above the center of Ålen.
I took my moped and drove downhill towards Hessdalen. When I got up to Hessdalskjølen, I saw that one of the objects was standing by a cabin there.
At first I thought the cabin was on fire, but I soon saw something else.
It looked like a Christmas tree, with the top down, and the object was larger than the cabin next to it.
In front of the object there was a large red light flashing, and it stood about four meters
above the ground, and there was an irregular coating around the entire object.
The light from it was so intense that I couldn't look at it for long.
It went up and down like a yo-yo and every time it came down towards the field it seemed to disappear, or become transparent.
I then saw a spruce through it. On the flat top of the object it seemed to be
a layer of sheep's wool, and it seemed to be warm there. If I had been with someone,
then maybe I would have gone up to the object, but I didn't dare when I was alone.
Ref. Bjarne Lillevold
Date: 09.09.1982 Time: 10:50 pm Place: at lake Finnsåtjønna
Observers: Ola Kjerringvoll, Jens Erik Trøen, Tormod Granlund and Morten Engan
The observers were on a test fishing trip in Finnsåtjønna. After having eaten their food, they looked for the "UFO"
and became aware of it. They listened especially for sound in case it was an airplane,
but no sound was heard. They watched the light(s) for about 90 seconds.
The light moved as fast as an airplane, very steadily, until it disappeared behind Finnsåhøgda.
It passed between Fjellbekkhøgda and Finnsåhøgda. The weather was partly cloudy and windless.
Binoculars were also used.
The light consisted of five different colors, two yellow, one blue, one red and one green.
Ref. Ola Kjerringvoll
Date: 03.09.1982 Time: 10:50 pm Sted: Kjerringvollen, Hessdalen
Observer: Ola Kjerringvoll
A light, consisting of two red lights, one in front and one in the back, moved from south to north,
between Fjellbekkhøgda and Finnsåhøgda. Same speed as the observation on September 9.
Total observation time approx. 30 seconds.
Ref. Ola Kjerringvoll
Date: 02.09.1982 Time: 19:35 Place: Hessjøen, Heggsethvollen
Observers: Anonymous lady with spouse and 4 children.
The first time I saw the phenomenon was in March/April 1982.
I have seen it about 20 times since then.
This evening we saw a wingless airplane, silent. The sun was shining on it.
First it was seen in the south and disappeared in the east. It seemed to be close to us..
The color was shiny silver, with a red luminous point in front. Egg-shaped.
The phenomenon was seen for 5 minutes, from 19:35 to 19:40.
It disappeared behind a cloud and did not appear on the other side.
Ref. Tor Sætre.
August 1982
Date: 16.08.1982 Time: ?? Place: Ålen
Observer: Jon Aspås
Observation over Graftås.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 16.08.1982 time: 10:47 pm Place: Vårhus, Hessdalen
Observers: Lars Lillevold and his son Eivind Lillevold
Object as a red light was observed for approximately 90 seconds as it passed at Finnsåhøgda to the north.
The sighting was reported to Gråkallen radar station at 10:56 pm.
There were no logged sightings.
Weather service in Stjørdal at 10:45 pm:
Temperature +16°C, wind 30° north-east 3 knots. South-southeast in the high.
Good visibility. Cloud cover: 2/8 at 10,000 feet, 4/8 total.
Trondheim Airport: Flight from Braathen arrived at Værnes at 10:55 pm.
The flight is believed to have been over the area just south of
Selbusjøen during the time mentioned.
Control center: Aircraft usually fly west of Hummelfjellet over Tolga,
with approach over Flornes. Pilot Frank Struck, Trondheim:
I was flying just under 20,000 feet over the relevant area west of Slettfjellet (Øyungen).
Noticed a layer of clouds over the area, and saw
nothing unusual. Have kept a close eye on the area since 82 and continue to observe.
Ref. Lars Lillevold.
Date: 15.08.1982 Time: 10:55 pm Place: Aspåskjølen
Observers: Lars Lillevold and more
A long object came from the south and moved north very slowly. It passed lower than Finnsåhøgda.
There were several people who observed it from Aspåskjølen.
The object had a field in the middle without light and 5 to 6 points of light in front and in the back.
It had a dozing movement and hung down in front.
Two observations, one to the north and one to the south.
Ref. Lars Lillevold.
Date: 10.08.1982 Time: ?? Place: ??
Observatører: Ole Lillevold
The story exists only on audio recording (tape), which is not available.
Ref. Ole Lillevold.
June 1982
Date: 12.06.1982 Time: 11:18 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
Dark brown object without light and at great speed over Aspåskjølen.
It did not give glare in the sun. Silent. The object was seen through binoculars, but could be seen with the
naked eye.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
May 1982
Date: 03.05.1982 Time: 22:40 Place: Finnsåhøgda, Hessdalen
Observer: Rolf D. Tönset
A long or cigar-shaped object came over from the north and moved slowly southeast, towards Røros.
The color was shiny, almost gray. There is good light at this time,
so it was almost a daylight observation. It was so long with two
lights, red and white. Suddenly it cut down into the valley and came back the
same way.
Ref. Rolf D. Tönset.
Date: 03.05.1982 Time: 10:40 PM Place: Finnsådalen, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
(Ref report 06.01. ) Saw the same thing in Finnsdalen. There was someone who observed
the same thing at 10:33 pm to 10:37 pm in Kjølidalen towards Berghø:gda.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
April 1982
Date: 06.04.1982 Time: 01:10 pm Place: ålen
Obserers: Berit Mary Kjerrengvold and Anita Trygstad
Berit drove a car from Hessdalen to Røros. Anita Trygstad from Røros
was a passenger. At Ålen Auto they saw a silver-metallic object over the treetops.
The distance could be 500 meters.
It suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly. Did not stop. Looked like it was on a slope. It was seen for about 15 to 20 seconds. There was clearly fine weather and no wind.
At Nesvollen the witnesses saw a "flash" very far away.
Ref. Berit Mary Kjerrengvold.
March 1982
Date: 26.03.1982 Time: 10:40 pm Place: Finnsådalen, Hessdalen and Stensli, Ålen.
Observer: Jon Aspås
I saw a large object moving back and forth in Finnsådalen and Båttjønndalen at 10:40 pm,
and we saw it hardly through the fog. Just after 11:00 pm in the evening we saw one
coming down Budalen over Stensli towards Ålmannfjellet. Fluttering movemen..
At Stensli we saw the same thing and there was no sound. Red light in front and some yellow light behind.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: xx.03.1982 Time: 07:00 pm Place: Ålen
Observers: Anders Morken and his brother-in-law
My brother-in-law and I, who were visiting, were watching Dagsrevyen.
Suddenly the picture on TV went blank. We went to the window and saw a luminous object
heading north. A little smaller than the one I saw at Hessdalskjølen on January 5.
Ref. Anders Morken.
Date: xx.03.1982 Time: ?? Place: Budalen
Observer: Olav Nysetvoll
I saw an object in the sky in the latter half of March 1982.
(I don't remember the exact date)
The object was moving in a roughly north-south direction. It came from the south and went north,
a little more east than Budalen. The speed was a little faster than an airplane.
It looked something like a burning log, radiating red light on all sides and moving at a very steady speed.
Ref. Olav Nysetvoll.
Date: xx.03.1982 Time: 11:00 pm Place: Finnsåhøgda, Hessdalen
Observers: Martin Aspås and Rutt Marry
I saw, along with many others, unexplained lights in different colors, but one thing I want to mention. My daughter Rutt Marry
and I saw one evening at 11 pm in March 1982 an object that went north between Stensvollen and Finnsåhøgden.
It looked like this:

I saw it through 7x35 binoculars. It was moving slowly at a low altitude with mount Finnsåhøgda as the background.
Ref. Martin Aspås.
Date: 19.03.1982 Time: 07:38 pm and 07:58 pm Sted: Finnsådalen, Hessdalen
Observers: Leif Havik and two friends
At 07:38 pm they saw an object moving slowly from south to north.
It disappeared behind mount Finnsåhøgda.
Total observation time was between 15 to 20 seconds.
The object had 2 white lights and a red flashing light in front.
At 07:58 pm a yellow light suddenly appears from a clear sky.
It also went from south to north and disappeared behind mount Finnsåhøgda.
Total observation time was between 20 to 30 seconds.
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 19.03.1982 Time: 07:33 pm Place: Finnsådalen, Hessdalen
Observer: Rolf D. Tönset
Rolf begins by telling us that he has seen phenomena since 1965 in the area about 10 km from Hessdalen towards Røros, by
Røsjøen. We were there for 3 years as diamond drillers for Røros's works.
We observed these objects countless times.
On March 19 at 07:33 pm a large object came from the south and headed towards Finns Hill.
The shape was oval, almost slightly curved. Sharp yellow intense light. It had little speed
Ref. Rolf D. Tönset.
Date: 18.03.1982 Time: 07:59 pm Sted: Finnsådalen, Hessdalen
Observers: Leif Havik and two friends
Leif and his two companions were still standing on the hill behind Bjarne Lillevold's cabin in Finnsådalen.
At 07:58 pm they became aware of a "floating" star coming from the south.
It came the same route as the previous one (07:33 pm) and it had the same speed. As it got closer,
it became more yellowish, and later orange-red. It was like a red pulsating light.
The light seemed like a kind of flickering flame and had diffuse contours. It moved towards the north. We saw it for about 10 to 15 seconds.
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 18.03.1982 Time: 07:33 pm Sted: Finnsådalen, Hessdalen
Observers: Leif Havik and two friends
Read the report
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 17.03.1982 Time: 07:32 pm and 08:39 pm Place: Vårhus og Aspåskjølen, Hessdalen
Observers: Leif Havik and two friends
The weather was cloudy, with light snow and a fresh southerly breeze. Leif and his
friends were packing the equipment into the snowmobile that would be used to transport their
equipment to Lillevold's cottage in Finnsdalen. They were then at Lars Lillevold's house at Vårhus.
Then they saw a bright light, red in front, moving slowly north, in front of mount Finnshøgda, so that the mountain was seen behind the light.
After this observation they drove to Aspåskjølen and met several people
there who had seen the same thing. They commented that it was silent.
Rolf D. Tönset reported an observation at 07:32 pm this day. An oval object came over Rogne and went
over the valley to Finsåh/oslash;gda. Duration approx. 2 minutes.
At 08:39 pm a similar phenomenon occurred, on the same route, but now it went from north to south. The phenomenon had moderate speed and swung more towards the
southwest over Finnsåhøgda. Leif saw that the phenomenon had three points of light, one of which was red.
Later, Leif and his friends skied to the lodge in Finnsådalen. They arrived at 10:30 PM.
Ref. Leif Havik.
Date: 16.03.1982 Time: ?? Place: Close to highway 30, Ålen
Observe;r: Anonymous
The observer was going out to the barn when he discovered an object
"as big as a villa" with three legs. The legs
seemed to be thicker towards the "undercarriage".
The object was directly above the house. A loud hiss was heard.
Ref. Hans Vollan.
February 1982
Date: xx.02.1982 Time: ?? Place: Heggsethøgda, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon Arvid Aspås and his son
This was observed on one of the last weekends in February 1982. A round ball, towards Heggsethøgda, up towards Tverr-Finnsåa.
A beam of light down towards the ground. The witnesses drove a car at The Asp hide. (Two others did also
see the same).
Ref. Jon Arvid Aspås.
Date: 22.02.1982 Time 09:15 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
A luminous object was seen flying north.
Some thought it was a plane. Checked with V&aernes Airport. They say:
- A plane arrived in Værnes from Oslo, via Molde, at 09:19 pm.
- A plane arrived in Værnes from Oslo, at 07:40 pm
- A plane arrived in Værnes from Oslo, at 10:56 pm
No military aircraft or helicopters in the area. Private aircraft cannot be ruled out.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 22.02.1982 Time 07:25 pm Place: mount Finnsåhøgda, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
Luminous object that came from the north "down" towards Finnsåhøgda,
passed it and continued south. It was seen in the valley Budalen at 07:30 pm.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 21.02.1982 Time 06:18 pm Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
At 06:16 pm a luminous object came towards the house where the witness lives.
Went to get the binoculars (4 - 5 seconds), and then it had disappeared. No sound.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 04.02.1982 Time xx Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
Luminous object flew south.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 03.02.1982 Time: In the morning Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
Observation for 42 minutes in a southeasterly direction, uneven speed. It was moving very slowly
and it seemed larger than the one seen the day before (02.02)
Appeared to be egg-shaped and flat underneath.
Then we didn't see it for several days, but we saw it twice since, and one time it went very fast
and barely took 2 minutes on this stretch.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 02.02.1982 Time: In the morning Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
A neighbor called in the morning and asked if we saw what was passing over Rognefjellet.
It was still light and an object had come over Heggset heading south. It was moving like a
slow plane.
It was flat below with a ball on top.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
January 1982
Date: xx.01.1982 Time: 07:30 pm - 08 pm Place: Hessdalskjølen, Hessdalen
Observer: Johannes Lyngstad
This evening it was quiet and starry. The temperature was approx. -10°C. Location: The road at Hessdalskjølen,
80 - 100 m from the radio/TV transmitter towards Kjøfsrød's cabin.
I was walking uphill towards Hessdalskjølen. Then a luminous object came sailing across the sky.
It was completely silent, and the speed was quite moderate, as I stood for a few minutes before it disappeared
behind the forest north of the cabin mentioned. I would estimate the direction to be north-northwest.
The object seemed contourless, it was more like a powerful light of the size of
7 to 8 "big" stars combined. I dare not indicate how far I was from the
object, as I only saw it towards the sky, and therefore not towards any fixed point, but
it went across and a little to the left of me.
When I later arrived at Aspåsjordet and met people there, they could confirm that at
the time in question they had seen it in the same direction but towards the main valley.
This means that
it had passed between Aspåsjordet and where I was standing down on Hessdalsvegen.
Ref. Johannes Lyngstad.
Date: xx.01.1982 (Tuesday) Time: 11:20 pm Place: Finnsåh&oslah;gda, Hessdalen
Observers: Martin Aspås and Eldbjørg Aspås
Among the many observations I have seen in the last few years, I will only mention a few.
The first was a Tuesday evening in early January 1982. It was 11:20 PM when Eldbjørg and I
saw a lit square in the field in Finnsåhøgden. North west of Morkavollene.
The light stood completely still. We watched it for about 10 minutes in -32 °C. We saw this from a car. The light was there
when we drove on.
Ref. Martin Aspås.
Date: 29.01.1982 Time: morning Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Jon Aspås
This morning we saw it heading south over Finnsåhøgda and towards
Vårhus. It came in the same orbit as in the previous morning observations.
There was a metallic silvery sheen to it.
It shone as it came up in the sun, as if reflecting it.
It was too far away to see any details.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 18.01.1982 Time: xx Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observer: Lars Lillevold
The object was observed randomly behind a telephone pole near his home. It was oval in shape and slowly passed his home. Before it slowly "glided" down the valley,
turned slightly to the left before disappearing down the valley.
Lars says he has seen satellites, comets and shooting stars. Can't compare to this.
Ref. Lars Lillevold.
Dates: 18.01.1982 and 20.01.1982 (and later) Time: xx Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon Aspås and more
(Ref report from 12.01)
On 18.01 and 20.01 we also saw the same phenomenon, before there was a period where there were
fewer observations. But every time there was clear weather there was usually something of the phenomenon,
in all types of weather. We also saw the phenomenon when it was several degrees warmer than when it was
23 degrees below zero. My wife and the neighbor saw it in almost 30 degrees below zero towards the mountains there.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Dates: 12.01.1982 and 13.01.1982 Time: xx Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon Aspås
Then I didn't see anything until 12.1.82 and 13. (Ref report from 06.01)
It was the same phenomenon that went up and down over the mountains.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Dates: 08.01.1982 Time: xx Place: mount Finnsåhøgda, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon Aspås
The next evening (08.01) we were up on the hill and saw the phenomenon again.
That same evening someone at Morken had seen it at 04:30 pm towards Finnsåhøgda.
Then it was like a big moon passing over the sea, with the mountain in the background.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Dates: 07.01.1982 Time: xx Place: mount Finnsåhøgda, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon Aspås
The first time I saw the second phenomenon was on 7.1.82, and it was -23°C and snowing.
But I saw a light coming from Båttjønndalen and towards Finnsåhøgda,
but it stopped and stood for about 5 minutes over Finnsådalen, before it passed northwards
Finnsåhøgda and went down on the back, before it came up again and went down again.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Dates: From 06.01.1982 to 17.01.1982 Time: xx Place: Aspås, Hessdalen
Observers: Jon Aspås and several
Jon Aspås have had daylight observations in both 1942-43 and 1967.
The first observation was made on January 6, 1982. Several observations of the same nature have been made later, the last
on January 17, 1982. (This report was written on January 24, 1982)
Red / yellow light, sometimes coming from the south and sometimes from the north. The "lights"
were not seen at the same height, and a known object such as a star / planet is ruled out. Witnesses who went into Ledal believed to have observed four (4) "lights" (objects). Jon Aspås did not witness this.
He estimates that approximately 30 witnesses in total may have seen the objects.
Thought that the "light" landed near a cottage, and people with snowmobiles checked the place without finding any traces.
Jon Aspås observed the "lights" in front of the mountains, and that it passed behind the mountain ridge. Jon suggested that
"the "light" was more radiant than an evening with strong northern lights.
The previously mentioned "windows" was a journalistic figure of speech. Jon compared the size of
one of the lights, as he saw the windows of his house at a distance of about 200 m. Without elaborating,
he stated that the "lights" had windows. This is probably due to a misunderstanding.
He believed that the lights were round, but suggested that others had seen lights that were not quite round, but rather slightly oblong.
Ref. Jon Aspås.
Date: 05.01.1982 Time: 04:30 pm Place: Finnsåhøgda, Hessdalen
Observers: Anders Morken og hans kone
This is what my wife and I saw on January 5, 1982, at 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM.
We were on a trip to Hessdalen. It was cold, clear weather, moonlight and about -25 °C.
When we got to Hessdalskjølen, we saw a luminous object towards Finnsåhøgda, heading south.
Sometimes it stood still, and it went up and down.
Finally it rounded Finnsåhøgda and disappeared after about 5 minutes.
It was round with several colors, and half the size of the moon.
Ref. Anders Morken.