Date: 29.08.1976 Time: 9.30 P.M. Place: Grøtådalen, Hessdalen.
Observers: Inger Anne Krogstad and her father.
The observers were inside at their cottage, which is located close to the cross between the brooks Grøtåbekken and Ormbekken,
at the road to Grøtådalen, south in Hessdalen. At 9.30 P.M. did they see a huge unidentified light moving slowly down in the valley,
towards Kjerrengvollen (see the arrow in the map). That is in the direction north-north-west. It was like a big oval-shaped flattened moon. The light
intensity was enormous, but it did not illuminate the ground. The observers followed it with their eyes while this light phenomenon was moving slowly
downwards towards the NNV. When it reached the forest, it moved irregular and disappeared.

The cottage (X) and the direction they saw the light.
Map from
ref: Inger Anne Krogstad