Date: xx.yy.1971 (in the summer) Time: Late in the evening Place: Draksten, Selbusjøen
Observers: Odd Jessen and a friend.
I was on holiday at the cabin by Draksten (Selbusjøen). A friend and I went to the cabin
late one summer evening. The weather was clearly fine, but so late that it was dark.
Suddenly we saw two yellow-white powerful egg-shaped lights hovering low over the sea.
Size as yes, about 2x2 metres. The objects flew just above the treetops when they disappeared.
They came from the southwest and flew north. We got scared and ran to the cabin where my parents were and told them about what we saw,
but they just laughed it off. Later I never told this, but have thought about it often after these
The Hessdal cases.
Later, my wife and I have several times observed smaller lights (such as large stars) that have
moved from place to place at extraordinarily high speeds. It has been on many occasions
many eyewitnesses, including people who specialize in photographing and observing such flying objects.
Ref. Odd Jessen.