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Ongoing activities in Project Hessdalen

Date startActivity 2002Date finish
2010Preparing the meeting with French scientists. The meeting will take place the first week of Aprilcontinue
17.01.2010The student group H10D09 start working with upgrading the Hessdalen Automatic Station.continue

 Activity 2002 - 2009 
 Activity not updated 

Date startActivity 2002Date finish
20.05.2002Repair system 1 at Hessdalen AMS. Start getting (old) partscontinue

Date startActivity 2000Date finish
18.05.2000Prepare a meeting with possible american sponsors.continue
08.05.2000Prepare a meeting with the Norwegian UFO Centre Ltd committe.19.05.2000
28.04.2000Prepare a meeting with possible norwegian sponsors.continue
06.04.2000 Planning a tour to Hessdalen the weekend 15th to 17th April, with the student group A2000-01. We shall find possible locations for the two new cameraes, and do a presentation for some TV-journalists 17.04.2000
20.03.2000The student group A2000-01 at Østfold College is starting on their work with putting more camera's at the Automatic Measurement Station06.06.2000
17.03.2000Start making a lecture for the 4.class at the Torsnes primary school, which shall take place monday the 20th March19.03.2000
16.03.2000Start making documents and a plan for how to get the share capital for the "Norwegian UFO Centre Ltd."continue
15.03.2000Making an article about the "Norwegian UFO Centre Ltd.", for the norwegian journal: "UFO"24.03.2000
13.03.2000Course about the "UFo-phenomena in Hessdalen", for tourist guides in Holtålen. This course is made together with Bjarne Lillevold.13.03.2000
06.03.2000Start making a lecture for a group of pensioner, which shall take place the 8th March 07.03.2000
01.03.2000Start making a course for tourist guide, which shall take place in Holtålen the 13th Mars09.03.2000
28.02.2000 Participate in the students activity week in Trondheim29.02.2000
14.02.2000Start making a lecture and planning a meeting in the Norwegian UFO Centre advisory group, which shall take place at the University og Trondheim, during the students activity week 25.02.2000
11.02.2000Perticipate in the running of the "press weekend" in Holtålen.13.02.2000
01.02.2000Start making a lecture and a document for journalists who will attend the "press weekend", the 11th to 13th February, organized by Holtålen Municipality10.02.2000
28.01.2000Take part in running the international UFO-conference in Oslo.30.01.2000
1998Work with the international UFO-conference, which shall take place in Oslo, the 29th and 30th January09.04.2000
07.01.2000Start making this webcontinue
OftenInterviewed by journalists and pupils from secondary modern schoolcontinue
Every dayControl the alarm pictures and read the guest bookcontinue

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All comments or questions about this web shall be send to Webmaster
Last update 01 March 2010 10:37:57.
