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What happened in Project Hessdalen year 2003.

2002 2004

04.12.2003 Ordered a broadband connection to the station from Gaula Nett. They will have the network ready early next year they say.
07.11.2003 Do to many technical problems in the station, the computers are taken down for repair at Østfold College in Sarpsborg.
12.09.2003 Science Camp 2003 fieldwork is finished today.
08.09.2003 Science Camp 2003, with students from Østfold College, start today.
27.08.2003 Jader Monari (IRA-CNR-Italia) and Gian Luca Andreoli, with the economic contribution of CIPH, as pre-2004 winter expedition, install the ELFO - PC in the station (AMS).
15.08.2003 The connection is up again.
17.07.2003 Lightning damage the connection to the web-server.
24.06.2003 A meeting with David Ellingsen, from the student group Hessdalen AMS, for clearify what is needed to be done with the new equipment. Not eerything was finished during the installation. David does the rest of the work.
18.06.2003 The students go back to Sarpsborg.
16.06.2003 The student group Hessdalen AMS travel to Hessdalen, together with Erling Strand, for installing the new equipment in the automatic station.
15.04.2003 Erling Strand back from the USA.
29.03.2003 Erling Strand goes to the USA, for participating on a scientific expidition to a area in AZ.
28.03.2003 The student groups go back to Sarpsborg.
26.03.2003 The student groups Hessdalen AMS and Video clock travel to Hessdalen, together with Erling Strand, for seeing Hessdalen and the equipment in the automatic station.
14.03.2003 The students at the engineering department at Østfold College, start their work with their final project today. Four groups have choosed working with Project Hessdalen. The groups are Hessdalen AMS, ELFO Analysis, Video clock and Inspire.
07.02.2003 The communication to the Hessdalen AMS went up at 9:30 A.M. The router had be be reset. The station has been in operation even if the communication line went down. (Thank to Thor Stuedal)
29.01.2003 The communication to the Hessdalen AMS went down just past 9:00 A.M.

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Last update 16 February 2005 15:17:16.
