The 7th Biennial European SSE Meeting

August 17-19, 2007 -   Røros, Norway

The program

Last update: 10 September 2007
Erling P. [email protected]

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Friday 17 August,     Saturday 18 August,     Sunday 19 August


Friday 17 August

Ivar Volden

09:00 - 09:10
Friday 17 August
WelcomeIvar Volden is the Mayor of Holtålen municipality, where the Hessdalen valley is located 
Paul Devereux

09:10 - 09:30
Friday 17 August
A historical case of Earth LightsAn illustrated account of the 1904-1905 outbreak of light phenomena in north-west Wales, and how it helped instigate research that led to the UK goverment's acceptance of the earth lights theory. (Also would be illustrated with slides.)  
Auguste Meessen

09:35 - 09:55
Friday 17 August
From UFO Properties to UFO Propulsion This overview of 35 years of scientific investigation of the UFO phenomenon presents a model of UFO propulsion that is only based on observed facts and known physical laws. We begin with visual, radar and photographic observations from the Belgian UFO flap (1989-1993). These and other facts allowed for the formulation of the "Pulsed EM Propulsion" model, which involves the action of electric and magnetic fields on electric charges, resulting from an adequate ionisation of the ambient air. We also show how the required, extremely intense, but low frequency field can be produced. This theory seems to be confirmed by various physical effects that UFOs did actually produce.


Dave Akers

10:00 - 10:20
Friday 17 August
The Toppenish Field Study: A Technical Review and Update The core characteristics of .genuine. UFOs were identified and cataloged by the late nineteen-sixties and generally describe some features of the earthlights, earthquake lights, Hessdalen phenomenon, and other anomalous luminous phenomena being studied today. Many of the instrument choices and techniques currently used were inspired by these earlier UFO studies. We describe details of the instruments, field techniques, and results of field work conducted in south, central Washington state (USA) from 1972 to the present. Previously unreported data, including magnetophosphene observations, apparent localized magnetic pulses, and a recent daylight video recording are presented. The paper concludes with discussion of proposed plans for new instrumentation and field work. A separate appendix briefly describes other instrumentation field studies, conducted before and after the original 1972 Toppenish field work.


10:20 - 10:40Coffee break  
Erling Strand

10:40 - 11:00
Friday 17 August
Project Hessdalen, the history and data. The Hessdalen Phenomenon got its name due to the fact that most people misunderstand the definition of the word UFO. The Hessdalen Phenomenon has some distinct characteristics which might say that there are different solutions to what the phenomenon is. Project Hessdalen ( did run two expeditions in the 80�ies and run the automatic station (AMS) since 1998. Data has been achieved. Science Camp camps with students and scientific teams from Italy and USA have also done investigation of the Hessdalen Phenomena.


Bjørn-Gitle Hauge

11:05 - 11:30
Friday 17 August
Optical spectrum analysis of the Hessdalen phenomenon. Identification of the unexplained luminous phenomenon in Hessdalen has always been difficult to do, since these phenomena�s often is mixed up with artificial and natural lights as cars, aeroplanes, meteors, planets etc. Although the Hessdalen phenomena has some spectacular manifestations, like; �huge blinking and spiralling lightball�, these manifestations are rare, and in most of the cases it shows itself in a more modest manifestation, often mistaken as a natural source of light. The latest development in digital SLR cameras, and the use of transmission gratings to obtain optical spectra, has made it possible to identify the Hessdalen phenomenon, and to find the chemical elements which the phenomenon is made of.


Stein Johansen

11:35 - 12:00
Friday 17 August
Judging and Explaining Extraordinary Phenomena and the Global Science Ecology from Superior Natural Science and a Syntropic Anthropology of Science Adequate judgments and explanations of extraordinary phenomena require a reference standard acquired from the most advanced natural science, not from the most common and ordinary natural science. To judge a scientific theory to be considered as more advanced than another, six rules of thumb are listed, with primary emphasis on manifestation of the theory into significant and surprising technological breakthroughs. From this approach five grand theories are selected from the present global science ecology: hadronic mechanics and chemistry (initiated by Santilli), universal nilpotent rewrite system (Rowlands), Global Scaling Theory ( M�ller), causal mechanics (Kozyrev) and topological geometrodynamics (Pitk�nen). These five theories are argued to be highly compatible with each other and together to constitute a quite solid assembly of superior natural science compared to the century old standard physics with related theories and restrictions in technology. Different types of restrictions obstructing the dissemination of these scientific revolutions into the global science ecology are pointed out from a general irrigation model for creation and transfer of advanced scientific memes. It is argued that these restrictions are severe in the present science ecology, implying that the irrigation of advanced scientific memes is far from optimal. This makes the present global science ecology highly complex and paradoxical, with much potential for increasing turbulence, i.e. a quite extraordinary phenomenon in itself.


12:00 - 13:30Lunch break  
Massimo Silvestri, Giorgio Abraini, Renzo Cabassi, Nico Conti

13:30 - 13:50
Friday 17 August
SMART OPTICAL SENSORS OBSERVATORY. An optical research project about Luminous Phenomena in AtmosphereAt the end of 2006 the ICPH launched a research program to realize an equipment for automatic optical capture and analysis of Luminous Phenomena in Atmosphere. The equipment is devised for use with other instruments to gather different parameters whithin the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The instrumentation is called SOSO (Smart Optical Sensors Observatory) and is currently used for testing purposes under the direction of Massimo Silvestri. In this paper the Authors present the methods and materials at the root of the SOSO project. Keywords: Mintron, Motion, Ufo-Capture, Watec, Imaging Source, Unicap, Linux, Video Motion Detection, Optical Alarms


Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Ole Jonny Brænne

13:55 - 14:15
Friday 17 August
Norway in UFO photographs, the first catalogue The Hessdalen region in Norway is presently recognized worldwide as a location where anomalistic luminous events have place frequently. In order to be a stimulus for the long-awaited, complete, and up-to-date census of photographed activity in the area, a preliminary catalogue of pictures, films and videos of alleged UFO phenomena obtained in Norway 1900-2005 has been prepared. This catalogue places the Hessdalen Phenomena into proper historical perspective during the two last centuries, in relationship to other unidentified events in the country, as a reference for observational anomalous luminous and non-luminous, explained and unexplained air phenomena.


14:15 - 14:30Coffee break  
Antonella Vannini

14:30 - 14:50
Friday 17 August
Advanced Waves, Retrocausality and Consciousness. In quantum mechanics, advanced waves, which propagates backward in time, have been usually ignored, as they were considered to be unphysical. Nevertheless, in the sciences of life, advanced waves may permit to answer some of the major mysteries and paradoxes. In this paper, a model which relates advanced wave solutions with the properties of living systems will be examined, and a retrocausal model of consciousness will be briefly presented.
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Ulisse Di Corpo

14:55 - 15:15
Friday 17 August
The conflict between entropy and syntropy: the vital needs model In this paper the vital needs model, which describes 3 main groups of conditions which living systems need to satisfy in order to survive, is discussed. This model was developed working on the laws of entropy, syntropy and retrocausality.
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Parente Patricio

15:20 - 15:40
Friday 17 August
Experience and legitimacy of UFO accounts in Argentina: Popular and scientific narratives from an anthropo-epistemic point of view.


This presentation is part of a ethnographic research centred on the analysis of the discursive strategies of legitimization of UFO narratives, which has been relieved in a field work in Argentina. The study reveals discursive links and differencies between popular and scientific accounts of observation of "strange lights". At the same time, work analyses the arguments about status of reality attributed to the events, the discourse about �qualified witness� and the disqualification of certain social identities. Finally, the discussion includes epistemologhic reflections tied to the limits and scopes of the anthropologic approach to produce knowledge on a subjet that is studied by social and hard sciencies simultaneously.


16:00 - 20:00 
Tour to Hessdalen
Bus leave the hotel at 16:00 and return back approx. 20:00 
21:00 Dinner  

Saturday 18 August

09:00 - 09:10
Saturday 18 August
Antonio Giuditta

09:10 - 09:30
Saturday 18 August
Creative evolution: what are your mechanisms? Biological evolution is the most recent segment of the eons-long cosmic evolution, and the chief domain that displays an extraordinary flourishing of diverse living entities. These astounding feasts of creativity have long been attributed to chance genomic variations and to their natural selections according to the organisms' adaptation to the enviroment. Such a mechanism is widely accepted by the biological community despite the vanishingly low probability that chance events may give rise to the highly ordered functions of the living. Alternative hypotheses have nonetheless been advanced. Apart from the creationist propositions, they reach as far back as two centuries ago when Lamarck suggested that new properties acquired by the repeated use of biological functions. Could be inherited. The Lamarckian view emphasized the capacity of the organism to shape its evolutionary future, at variance with its lack of involvement predicated by the neoDarwinian belief. Experimental evidence supporting the Lamarckian view was present in disguised or marginalized form during last century. In recent years, this subterranean stream explicitly emerged in several convincing demonstrations that acquired charaters are indeed heritable. Interestingly, these inherited variations are not based on changes in the genome but on novel epigenetic ways of expressing its potentials. While these data proved the organism's capacity to shape its future, evolutionary mechanisms still remain elusive. Of the many unsolved emphasizes the complexity of the problem. Could this creative capacity be entirely attributed to random chemical interactions? If not, how else biological components would envisage suitable changes? The main features of the human mind (notably, its creative capacity, mutual interactions with physical events, likely philogenetic origin) suggest that a significant role in biological evolution might have been played by the evolving mind.


Stefano Siccardi

09:35 - 09:55
Saturday 18 August
Instrumental Investigation of OBE (Out of Body Experiences)Our research plan about OBE is conceptually divided into two parts. We are currently running part 1, which is the topic of this presentation: in it we will consider an OBE a subjective experience, we will try to characterize it and search for ways to teach people to control it. In part 2, we will investigate if an OBE can actually be an objective experience too, causing some physical modifications in the environment (actually we will describe some preliminary measures in this sense), or allowing OBErs to know information they couldn�t be aware of by ordinary means. We will describe the experiments we have been carrying out for about a year and a half, collecting physiological data, while subjects are relaxed and trying to have an OBE. We have had some formal sessions, in a controlled laboratory setting using a standard EEG device; and some informal ones, that subjects have run at home, using small portable data collection devices. Our first goal is to replicate the OBE phenomenon almost at will, in order to study it in depth. As physiological data, we intend mainly EEG, Heart Rate and electrodermal activity; as anticipated, we also consider some environmental data e.g. images recorded by "night vision" tv cameras. Physiological data are used to learn about individual differences (we are working with both experienced OBErs and some novices), experimental setting and relaxing strategies details, in order to find the most OBE-favorable ones. Our final goal is the building of a biofeedback device to help OBErs, and we will describe how we are approaching the task: in a broad sense, our data confirm previous findings that the threshold between wakefulness and sleep is crucial to start an OBE. So we are trying to help people in consciously keeping this intermediate state at length, without falling asleep. Environmental data are used to detect if the presence of the self outside the body has any physical/measurable impacts, and if there are some links relating to subjective condition and external results. We will also report about the impact on EEG data of some commercial devices used to induce OBEs or lucid dreams. Likewise, we will describe the first trials of our biofeedback system. Moreover, we will discuss some data analysis problems and how we have tackled them.


Michal Teplan

10:00 - 10:20
Saturday 18 August
EEG analysis for application of mind machines, relaxation, and meditation. Some thoughts on anomalous research In my contribution I'd like to share my experiences in two parts. The first part will briefly introduce the results of my PhD. work dealing with EEG analysis of brain signals. The second part will present some of my experiences and aspects on researching anomalous phenomena.

My work at the Institute of measurement science, Bratislava, Slovakia was luckily not too far from some kind of anomalous research. Presented methods, more generally termed biosignal analysis, may be usable in certain type of anomalous studies.

In my dissertation two different problems reflecting brain functioning were addressed: Impact of audio-visual stimulation (AVS or mind machines) on human EEG and EEG characteristics of human relaxation. Within subtle physiological changes, number of linear and nonlinear EEG measures was examined for their sensitivity. Meditation data were added for my personal pleasure.

In order to identify direct, transient, as well as long-term changes in human cortex under influence of repetitive impact of AVS experiment was set up, consisted of 25 repetitions of a 20 min AVS program with stimulation frequencies in the range 2-18 Hz. Entrainment of brain waves as a direct reaction to AVS was well developed in majority of cases, being strongest in backward regions and spreading also to other cortex locations. Regarding long-term effects, changes were observed in powers in different frequency bands and different cortex locations. Also certain complexity and interdependency measures displayed significant changes (correlation dimension, spectral decay, or inter-hemispheric alpha-1 coherence). Our results show that regular training with AVS does induce changes in the cortex functioning, such as those commonly reported to be features specific to relaxation or altered states of consciousness. It seems that AVS training could be more effective in inducing long-continuint changes of EEG than regular 20 minute listening to relaxation music.

Physiological characteristics of psychosomatic relaxation (3-minute duration, lying position with eyes closed) was addressed. On the contrary to general expectations, during resting conditions both alpha-1 and relative alpha-1 powers were decreasing. Decrease of total power over the whole cortex implied gradual diminishing of overall brain activity during the resting process. Then 2 categories of more and less successful relaxation were discriminated. Potential applications of our EEG studies involve clinical, pharmacological, self-regulative areas and actual problems with stress management.

Concerning problems of non-mainstream research, I'd like to discuss some of the following issues. How to: motivate young researchers; switch between two - official and hidden "science"; understand and accept conditions of the situation; make specialists from unfriendly areas to communicate; make smart brains to cooperate; keep ourselves in inner and outer equilibrium. And finally, what may drive us to "scientific exploration".


10:20 - 10:40Coffee break  
Paul Devereux

10:40 - 11:25
Saturday 18 August
MindscapesHow religious, shamanistic and supernatural beliefs imprinted virtual geographies on physical landscapes in both Europe and the Americas. (This would be highly illustrated with slides.)


Emilios Bouratinos

11:30 - 12:00
Saturday 18 August
Truth, Reality and ObjectificationIn it I will try to develop the essence of my thinking on the most fundamental reason for the current malaise. This reason relates to the way we have been increasingly perceiving, conceptualising and handling the outer and inner world since the invention of agriculture (about 10.000 b.C.)


12:00 - 13:30Lunch break  
Wolfgang Helfrich

13:30 - 13:50
Saturday 18 August
Is the psychokinetic effect as found with binary random number generators suitable to account for mind-brain interaction? Numerous studies during the last fifty years have shown that mental intention has a psychokinetic (PK) effect on binary random number generators (RNGs). The effect is minute, but does not discriminate between different types of RNGs and appears insensitive to distances in space and (at least for days) in time. Involving a few thousand test persons, in general unselected, the studies also suggest that PK is a common phenomenon. Some years ago, a meta-analysis by Radin and Nelson of then available data resulted in odds against chance of about 1050.

The studies are reviewed before applying them to the problem of mind-brain interaction. A recent meta-analysis by B�sch et al. questioning the existence of the PK effect on RNGs is shown to be inconsistent. Subsequently, I point out similarities between an RNG experiment adding thousands of bits (0 or 1) and a cortical neuron summing the electric signals from thousands of probabilistically transmitting synapses. A quantitative comparison indicates that the PK effect might be of the right size to generate in a neuron an additional voltage on the order of the statistical noise. The effect could thus decide whether the neuron reaches the threshold of the action potential.
Full text


Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunne

13:55 - 14:25
Saturday 18 August
PEAR: Past, Present, and ProjectedOver the past three decades, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory has conducted extensive empirical studies of anomalous human/machine interactions and remote perception, which have fostered development of several conceptual models of such phenomena. All of this work has been summarized on our website,, from which some fifty articles can be downloaded, and a companion DVD/CD set may be ordered. Three years ago the program undertook a deliberate reduction of its experimental agenda and staff, culminating in closure of its laboratory facilities a few months ago. During that period an ambitious forward-reaching program of activity was undertaken, comprising comprehensive archiving of all past results, models, and insights; intellectual support of a new generation of scholars; and stimulation of marketable products promising beneficial public applications. From this point on, the primary platform for these enterprises will be the International Consciousness Research Laboratories,, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a distinguished international, interdisciplinary membership, several of them from this Society. In this new era, we also plan to continue our service to SSE, which, over the same span, has provided a precious forum for propagation of our results and ideas to an open-minded and convivial assembly of colleagues and friends. It is our conviction that SSE, like ICRL and PEAR, is itself on the threshold of a new era of operations wherein a fresh generation of creative scholars will infuse its research, reportage, and management, with far less deference paid to uninformed public and professional skepticism; and the methodology, insights, and understandings it develops will lead, rather than emulate conventional scientific practice. We look forward to sharing all of this with you well into the future.


Richard A. Blasband

14:30 - 14:55
Saturday 18 August
Experimental Evidence for the Existence of an �Energetic� Component in Healing For centuries the established belief has been that so-called �psychic healing� has involved some form of �energy� that is transmitted from the healer to the healee. While there is scant experimental evidence for this healing agent what does exist indicates that �something� of a non-electromagnetic nature is transmissible and absorbable from the healer.
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14:55 - 15:15Coffee break  
Erlendur Haraldsson

15:15 - 15:45
Saturday 18 August

Cases of the Reincarnation TypeIan Stevenson (1918-2007) died on February 8th this year. A long-time professor of psychiatry at the Uiversity of Virginia, he was one of the leading founders of the SSE and a prolific researcher. He will be best known for his monumental work on "Cases of the Reincarnation Type" of which he investigated hundreds in countries around the globe. He started this work around 1960 and after extensive field studies he published numerous articles and several books on his investigations. In most of this work he was the sole investigator. In the late 1980s he became keen to know if his findings could be replicated by independent investigators. He asked me if I would be interested in finding out if they differed psychologically from other children and if they possessed characteristics that might throw light on their clams about remembering a past life. In the course of some twelve years I studied 64 cases in Sri Lanka and later for comparative purposes 30 cases in Lebanon. This resulted in several papers on individual cases as well as on two psychological studies, and a joint paper with Stevenson on the similarity of features of reincarnation cases that he studied in Lebanon in the 1960s and 1970s and I in the late 1990s. In my paper I will present the results of this independent replication.


Jens Tellefsen

15:50 - 16:20
Saturday 18 August
Dowsing along the PSI TrackGöte Andersson, a practising artist from the district of Värmland in Sweden, has for a number of years been performing some investigations which seems to show that it is possible to follow, with a pair of dowsing rods, a so-called psi-track which leads to hidden objects or objects which otherwise have been completely lost. In this way, these objects can be unconventionally located with a high degree of probability. With financial support by John Björkhems Memorial Fund, Jens A Tellefsen, Jr, PhD, and Nils-Olof Jacobson, M D, together with Göte Andersson, have, over a time period of three years, carried out many scientific investigations of the psi-track and its properties. These investigations have been very successful and many counter-intuitive details have been discovered. It seems to us at this point, beyond any reasonable doubt, that this is a real phenomenon which, up to now, has not been recognized by the scientific world. In the lecture, Dr Tellefsen will describe the methodology and the results of their investigations and discuss some of the unusual properties of the psi-track. An extensive report of all these investigations have been published in the January 1994 issue of the Journal of the Society for Physical Research (Br) and the manuscript was in 1993 awarded an international scientific price, the Imich Project Award, by the British Society for Psychical Research.


Yolene Thomas

16:25 - 16:50
Saturday 18 August
The physical nature of the biological signal, a puzzling phenomenon:the critical role of Jacques Benveniste One of the accepted paradigms is that molecules interact with target systems via various physicochemical forces. These forces may involve vibrational modes in either the molecule or target system. For instance, the action of a protein involves interaction with its receptor, to trigger a cascade of biochemical events that activate biological functions. Here, the presence of the molecule is necessary. One working hypothesis, based on the pioneer work of Jacques Benveniste, is that molecules could communicate with each other, exchanging information without being in physical contact and that at least some biological functions can be mimicked by certain energetic modes characteristics of a given molecule.

If so, a number of questions arises, for instance: 1) what molecule vibration modes are efficient ; 2) what do molecule vibration modes sound like (identification of measurable signals); 3) how can these signals be used to mimic some of the biological functions of a molecule without its physical presence; 4) what is the function of water in all of this ?.

We will describe one approach/ method for producing an effect of molecules on different responsive biological systems and show that at least some biologically active molecules emit signals in the form of electromagnetic radiation of less than 44 kHz that can be recorded and digitized for instance on a computer�s hard drive. The digitized signals can be replayed (through a sound card) to target cells, water, or organs in a manner that seems specific to the source molecules.

Clearly, the far-reaching implications of these observations require numerous, repetitive experimental testing to rule out overlooked artifacts. Also important is to have the experiments repeated by other groups and with other models to explore the generality of the effect.

Finally, we will discuss the present situation and recent emerging data coming from two independent groups. One from France that confirm and extend the original finding. An other group located in La Jolla, CA. has conducted, in barely four years, novel research programs and expanded the original technology into a series of potential industrial applications.

If these new experimental observations can be validated, we will have added yet another valuable piece to the puzzle. In addition, the fact that the effective transmission of molecular signals has now been observed by independent teams using different biological systems, provides a strong additional basis to suggest that the phenomena observed by Jacques Benveniste�team were not due simply to laboratory artefacts.


Marsha Adams

16:50 - 17:10
Saturday 18 August

The International Earthlight Alliance (IEA) was founded by Marsha Adams and Erling Strand. Among the purposes is to help advance science by demonstrating that anomaly research in general, and earthlight research in particular, can be a productive avenue to significant and possibly useful new discoveries. An additional goal is to attract students to science careers by stimulating their curiosity by applying the scientific method and high-tech instrumentation to the study of interesting anomalies. To this end, IEA researchers have gathered data from expeditions to sites where earthlights are reported to occur. IEA has also implemented a semi-automated observatory to gather geophysical data in an anomalous area; Sedona Arizona, USA.

Adams will report on research-in-progress presenting, scientific slide show of expedition findings at several locations worldwide. Many of these locations are very scenic. She will give an overview of the instrumentation, and will show data from earthlight sites such as Hessdalen Norway, Trout Lake Washington, Mt. Shasta, Southern Arizona, and Sedona Arizona. She will also show data from sacred sites (where lights are also seen) such as, and Monument Valley and Capitol Reef Utah, standing stones in Scotland Crop circles in England, and the Serpent Mound in Ohio. This enjoyable show will present both positive and negative results.

Adams� research in potential earthlight areas has highlighted the need for professional investigations to dispel or confirm myths surrounding anomalies. She has found that many reported lights are artifacts, and many reports of so-called anomalous measurements may be artifacts due to inadequate instrumentation, misinterpretation, or unfamiliarity with instrumentation. She also emphasizes the importance for observers to become familiar with the investigation site: Airline flight patterns, roads, house lights, planets, and weather conditions can cause bogus sightings and therefore artificially high sighting reports. She will show some artifacts that observers commonly mistake for earthlights and emphasize that all sightings should be photographically documented for subsequent analysis. Even experienced observers often have difficulty determining the character of small lights when minimal visibility of the background at night.

She will show an array of positive findings such as a world-wide �blue light� phenomenon, photos she has captured of pre-earthquake lights, ionizing radiation at earthlight sites, a large recorded anomalous magnetic event that occurred just seconds before an earthlight appearance, and an anomalous magnetic �signature� that has been recorded at sacred sites and earthlight sites world-wide.


20:00 The banquet  

Sunday 19 August

09:00 - 09:10
Sunday 19 August
Matti Pitkänen

09:10 - 10:10
Sunday 19 August
TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness The basic ideas and implications of TGD (Topological GeometroDynamics) inspired theory of consciousness are briefly summarized. The notions of quantum jump and self can be unified in the recent formulation of TGD relying on dark matter hierarchy characterized by increasing values of Planck constant. Negentropy Maximization Principle serves as a basic variational principle for the dynamics of quantum jump. The new view about the relation of geometric and subjective time leads to a new view about memory and intentional action. The quantum measurement theory based on finite measurement resolution and realized in terms of hyper-finite factors of type II1 justifies the notions of sharing of mental images and stereo-consciousness deduced earlier on basis of quantum classical correspondence. Qualia reduce to quantum number increments associated with quantum jump. Self-referentiality of consciousness can be understood from quantum classical correspondence implying a symbolic representation of contents of consciousness at space- time level updated in each quantum jump. p-Adic physics provides space- time correlates for cognition and intentionality.


Roger Taylor

10:15 - 10:45
Sunday 19 August
Ormus: a possible new state of Matter, with Promise for Agriculture, Health and the Environment.Sometimes called white gold, ormus was discovered by David Hudson in the late 1970s as a residue in a volcanic rock unidentifiable by the usual chemical or spectroscopic methods. He claimed that it consisted of certain heavy metals (Rhodium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold and several others) having an unusual, and hitherto unrecognised, electronic arrangement, which renders them non-metallic, chemically nonreactive, and capable, under some conditions, of becoming superconductive at normal temperatures. Many of his claims are now being confirmed by independent researchers. These elements seem to be ubiquitously distributed throughout soils and waters, being particularly concentrated in certain sources � notably sea water. They also form a normal constituent of living organisms. After he had administered ormus to a dog expected to die from cancer, and observed it to recover, Hudson gave samples to a number of doctors, who reported extraordinary recoveries by some of their �hopeless� patients. Other researchers, studying the effect of ormus on plant growth, have obtaining amazing results: e.g. a walnut tree producing nuts the size of tangerine oranges and with aggregate weight six times that from untreated trees, and plums each five times the weight of those from untreated trees. In view of the solubility of these elements in water, it seems likely that, during the life of the earth, they have mostly become washed into the sea. Thus it may be that we, humans, land animals and plants, are all chronically deficient in them. This talk will give a brief account of the discovery and physico-chemical properties of these elements, leading on to a discussion of the available evidence on their biological effects and the effects of administration to human beings. This will include my own experience of taking it, and an objective reflection of this, as obtained with a computerised Kirlian instrument. Also my result of an experimental planting of potatoes, in which treated plants yielded 26kg, as compared to14kg from the untreated controls. The mode of action of ormus is not known but, as it is clearly not chemical, it will likely be understood only via a quantum interpretation of biology.


10:45 - 11:05Coffee break  
Alexander V. Trofimov

11:05 - 11:35
Sunday 19 August
Results and perspectives of studies of solar-biospheric connections in the periods of solar eclipse.


Dimitri Olenice

11:40 - 12:00
Sunday 19 August
A confirmation of the Allais and Jeverdan-Rusu-Antonescu effects during the solar eclipse from 22 September 2006 , and the quantization of behaviour of pendulumThe experiments made with a paraconical pendulum at Suceava Planetarium (Romania) during annular solar eclipse from 22 September 2006 confirm once again the existence of the Allais effect (change of speed of rotation of plane of oscillation of a pendulum during an eclipse ) and Jeverdan-Rusu-Antonescu effect ( change of period of oscillation of a pendulum during an eclipse) Also is take in evidence the existence of the quantization of the azimuth of plane of oscillation of a pendulum which can be treated as a quantum oscillator. A large number of the excited states for a quantum Foucault pendulum are doubly degenerate in a similar way as the time dependence of the azimuths for a paraconical pendulum with a high sensitivity. The quantum eigenstates for a large energy of a Foucault pendulum predict that the probability density of finding the particle is largest near the classical trajectories. Although the annular solar eclipse from 22 September 2006 was not optical visible from Romania, a gravitational perturbation was detected with a sensitive paraconical pendulum and leds to ideia that gravitational perturbations who occur during an eclipse are similarly with tide when the Moon are at antimeridian.
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12:00 - 13:30LunchEnd of the Euro SSE Meeting